Quote Originally Posted by nw6pie View Post
I would have liked a few more questions directed to Rich Montague, but overall an interesting night.

Couple of points:

1. Not sure how many young loanees we’ll manage to land next season given RM’s admission that Ollie Tipton was signed as a cheap squad filler who they never envisioned playing many minutes.

2. Key word of the night was BALANCE - getting the balance of the team right; getting the balance between defence and attack right; balancing the squad better by getting players who can play several positions (I think Mansfield did this very well).

3. The management and owners are excited by Jatta and Macca working together (McGoldrick not mentioned once all evening).

Shame there were no questions about formations to get the best out of our attacking options or whether 3-5-2 will stay as the default formation.

4. Poor old SM will never be earning a living as an after-dinner speaker - always looking to bring the conversation to a close ASAP, after a couple of bland sentences. He really is the complete opposite of LW.
I’ve only watched the tail end and seen summations elsewhere but I’m glad the loans situation was brought up, our use of younger players on loan has been awful. Stockport and Mansfield both did a great job on that front this season.

Also thought it was a bit odd the head coach was perched on the end, maybe I’m overthinking it. I’ve yet to see a single reason why the club appear to have so much faith in him.