I chose that as the thread title because I'm very mindful of where we've come from and the problems we've had with injurues and the ongoing problem with ffp.

This isn't about us not trying-I know we are. It's about how we progress.

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I'm also aware that Eddie couldn't say much different publicly-he's not one for hanging his players out to dry in the media like Bruce or Pardew were and that's a good thing, obviously.

However, and this goes back to our previous thread about failure being ingrained in our club-I'm a bit concerned if Eddie really does think we've got a really good squad. We certainly have some great players and some good ones but is it really good. Is this Eddie being too loyal to some players? If we start next season with Murphy, Miggy, Longstaff, Burn, Wilson even...what does that say?

And yes, I know that we can't make wholesale changes but is Eddie really looking at this group of players with Ritchie, Dummett, Lascelles, Murphy, Longstaff, Krafth, Almiron, Dbravka and genuinely thinking it's great? They were good for what we needed at the time-and were good enough to help us to 4th last season (although our luck with injuries was the reverse of last season and other clubs hadn't got their act together) but I don't fancy the prospect of starting another season relying on them.

Eddie's very much a 'people' person-Longstaff recently praised him for his arm around the shoulder approach and, again, I like that about him but is his relationship with certain players giving a 'rose tinted specs' view of the squad. The unfortunate facts is that, if we want to progress, he/we can't be too sentimental about players.

And DON'T come back at me with 'or about managers too'.

Thoughts and maybe tin hat on?