I know what you mean . Even though a democracy is a wonderful thing and should be cherished, its not a little disturbing when the above is happening.
I watched the Nick Robinson piece where the last voter in Middlesborough I think it was, was leaving and Nick asked him over his vote and he declared 'out'. When Nick enquired would he mind giving his reasons, it was a shrug of the shoulders and a 'don't know why'.
I don't know about Champs, but I can truthfully say I was unsure, either way. This after weeks of trying to fully ingest all of the reasons for and against, and I never made it. My inherent instinct was telling me to play safe and stick with the devil I know. But I was equally 'convinced' that the EU elite had had enough chances to better get their act together and they needed a shock.
It has taken our walking out to deliver this shock, so lets just hope it works out in everyone's favour eventually. As that was the overriding reason for my consideration of an out vote.
Encouragingly I am hearing there is a groundswell of wishes for the majority of the EU remainder for the continuation of trading with the UK (or England!) in the easiest ways possible. However this 'plea' is towards the EU hierarchy, who will feel we need to be made an example of. The task for them (just as with Greece) is to tread carefully in venting their spleen whilst not further alienating others.
If nothing else it should be interesting! Oh to be a fly on the wall at the upcoming 'get together' with Camerons first meeting with them post Brexit vote.
I do not believe they can dare to put up the barriers that they will wish to, with the threat of risking a potential further collapse.
I fully know and endorse what Champs says, and it is worrying to witness the huge flow of migrants incoming that I don't believe our island can comfortably absorb. Equally I can see how the contributors make our nation potentially a more prosperous place.
When the fabric of your small town/village is being transformed there is bound to be consternation. This is something they have failed to recognise.