We were shipping in goals for fun. Something drastic had to be done at the back.

Regarding Aiden Smith. He scored against Rangers and was dropped the following game, IIRC this was under Skelton? Your a young striker and score. What exactly more can you do? IMO he's been treated pretty badly, teased out on loan, scored goals then gets released.

A creative central midfielder is exactly what we have needed so can see why he signed Tapping but its a huge risk with his injury record.

I dont understand why Danny was offered a deal. He's done nothing to inspire.

Jury is still out on Naysmith. I get the impression he's not the biggest fan of youth, very strange loan signing the Celtic lad who only featured what twice? strange team selections with the odd strange formation to match and dropping the right back in favour of a central midfielder. All his own squad now so no excuses.