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Thread: Creepy Corbyn....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Creepy Corbyn....

    ...going to show his new PR face at Glastonbury. This man is a joke, a rabid Commie trying to sound like Mr NiceGuy. Luckily all the yoof, who always lean to the left ( me too ), will learn as they grow up a little that his Labour is more akin to the left of Lenin and full of unfillable promises. Would love to be able to vote Labour again but not with Corbyn, McConnel and The Abbess in charge.
    Wish they had the Drakh Daughters on.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by mahatmafoot View Post
    ...going to show his new PR face at Glastonbury. This man is a joke, a rabid Commie trying to sound like Mr NiceGuy. Luckily all the yoof, who always lean to the left ( me too ), will learn as they grow up a little that his Labour is more akin to the left of Lenin and full of unfillable promises. Would love to be able to vote Labour again but not with Corbyn, McConnel and The Abbess in charge.
    Wish they had the Drakh Daughters on.
    God help us if he ever gets into power. Tax will go up 20 percent to pay for all is giveaways. Turns me off Labour and narrows our choice to Tory or bust.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Couldn't agree more gents

    Country will be bankrupt in no time at all and of course it will all be Brexits fault

    And I can't think of a worse person as Home Secretary in charge of the Nations Security than our own Dianne Abbott. Good grief

    I see Marxist McDonnel has called for 1 million to take to the streets next month to riot ...........er sorry I mean demonstrate

    McDonnel............an anarchist if ever there was one

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Yeh send Mrs Calamity to Glastonbury,she would probably think what a great idea to get people to live in tents,,,,,permanently.

    Tory manifesto comes up with the Right to Buy your Tent.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by blades58 View Post
    Couldn't agree more gents

    Country will be bankrupt in no time at all ...
    We already are. National Debt at 90% of GDP, Public Sector Borrowing growing at £1bn a month, but the economy is in safe hands, apparantly.

    That's the joy of a 'service based' economy where no-one makes anything, but just adds their costs and passes it on, swamping our competitiveness into a downward spiral as we buy everything from overseas, or export the share dividends for all the public and utility businesses we sold to the French, Spanish and Germans and Yanks. That's why we have a £50bn gap p.a. in what we buy and sell overseas. That's money we export rather than investing in ourselves. HS2? £50bn, trains German, rails and infrastructure French and German, consultancy/software, Yanks. Trident $100bn straight to the Yanks. They must all be peeing themselves for having our pants down so easily. Crazy, crazy, crazy.

    I've no great confidence in the Labour shadow cabinet, but the likes of May, Michael Gove, Boris Johnson and Amber Rudd? Blood and sand. I wouldn't trust them with organising the Church Fete. Is that really the very best we can do, really??

    Oh well, 'strong and stable' government it is, so long as they are supported by the votes of a few fanatical idiots.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Don't trust any of them, but I can't believe that anybody who's not still wet behind their ears cant see that the whole Corbyn 'love me I'm a nice right-on guy really' crusade football chanting bollox isn't being choreographed by the far left and unions.

    The Conservatives are pathetic, but I think Corbyn's crew will make things even worse when they get in. I say 'when' because every word any of them utter is about bringing down the government and I don't think they care how they do it, even by anarchy and civil unrest if need be. If a dog got run over on the Cliffe, if would be the hapless May's fault, force her out and force and another election and they don't give a **** who suffers in the process or about the Brexit process. I suspect they they want that to fail and would try to overturn it despite their election mandate.

    Most of their 'new' voters don't have any idea what he's really about, it just sounds good, jam for all and no down side for anybody, but does anybody really think that the super rich and the big companies will stay around to foot the bill or not find a way around it. It's middle England and us the working class who will pay like it always has been. This country is on its knees, Corbyn will finish the job that Blair and Brown started and finish us off.

    I detest the **** and most of his cabinet, but the problem is the other shower are making it easy for them. I wouldn't trust most is our politicians as far as I could throw them but this lot have taken it to a whole new level.

    Anyway I'm done, sorry for the rant, I hate polltics but I trust my judgement. Send it OT please Bully, this is the football section.
    Last edited by GrayBlade; 24-06-2017 at 09:20 PM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Che Corbyn targets the young because (1) they don't remember the 70s nor his dubious liaisons (2) they're easily gulled. No serious party offers free tuition fees. To fund that you'd ruin the economy, and that would impact the most on the young who aren't going to uni. But it wins votes, as we saw with Cleggy. Vote for me and you'll win the National Lottery.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LesHiboux View Post
    Che Corbyn targets the young because (1) they don't remember the 70s nor his dubious liaisons (2) they're easily gulled. No serious party offers free tuition fees. To fund that you'd ruin the economy, and that would impact the most on the young who aren't going to uni. But it wins votes, as we saw with Cleggy. Vote for me and you'll win the National Lottery.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Can the mods please explain why they continue to allow such bile on our forum? Opinions are only valid when they are asked. Nobody cares about your right wing political views. This should either be moved to off topic or deleted. End of story.

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