Quote Originally Posted by Currieisgod View Post
Its like I alluded to previously in that it is the quality that you have at the end of the day,
"You cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear" is the old adage and reading between the lines in CWs comments is that he has seen enough, even after just 3 games and knows that now the time is of the essence as we strive for recruitments,

I would hate to think that in 3 months time there will be fans on Radio and Social media saying that CW has gone as far as he can with what he has got blah,blah, blah, That old chestnut etc,

The issue here is that CW wants to take HIS club further and further but i suspect there are certain factors that are preventing him doing that at present because at the end of the day, Money talks and I smell a rat in this area YET AGAIN
True, you can only go so far with a certain quality of player and I think you are right in saying that Tufty has clearly identified this. The only but I would add, is that I think there is still a bit more quality to be squeezed out of some them yet IMHO. One or two have been a bit slow out of the traps shall we say. Like I said on another thread, our bar starts tomorrow, it wasn't against Boro or Cardiff. That is our next step up. As for smelling a Rat, I'm getting a slight whiff too, which is unusual for me.