Quote Originally Posted by ahlltanyirhide View Post
I don't think they will be OA, I think they will be just as concerned as the rest of us. Best if they continue to focus on what they are good at, coz if this goes tits up then all we will have left is the youth teams
If it goes tits up we will not have any youth teams. We will not have a club. Fullstop.
Thompson is a clear and present danger to the future of the club we love and underestimating this could be fatal.
Arabtrust should be instrumental in Change.
They came into being as The Fans Voice On The Board and now they hide behind youth fundraising while watching the club disintegrate.
So is it reasonable to ask what are they doing about the survival of our club?
They're smug, they're arrogant, they think a reply on a messageboard or a public statement to non members is beneath them and I despise them for their silence.
I hope the new ownership when it comes sees them for what they are.