Quote Originally Posted by WOODLANDSWOLF View Post
that my last weekend in the UK is being wasted on these pathetic world cup qualifiers. Does any on give a flying to$$ about this garbage? This coupled with the recent attempt by the top six prem league sides, plus a few additional ar$e lickers to grab all the TV money makes my eyes bleed!

The sooner Utd, City etc feck off and form their own super league the better, nobody will watch the crap anyway. Well that's not true, the middle and far east will gobble it up. Lets face it thats where the money is and thats where its going. Well they can keep it for me!

Yours truly pi$$ed off, Coseley, Wolverhampton.

I do watch the England games and watch them to do well, but Wolves will always come first.

I think it's an absolute joke that the so called big six want more more than the remaining four**** teams regarding overseas television coverage.

Every since the premier league was set up, it's been rammed down our throats time and again how 'great' the premier league is, it's not all that. It's a money making machine, a closed shop and i doubt we will see a Leicester win the league again.