Well first off I'd like to thank Big Dave and the players for the wonderful commitment and spirited performance on Sunday. Such a pity we haven't seen more of both throughout the season though, and I maintain that despite it's obvious deficiencies this squad was more than capable of staying up. Now we're only two games into a care takership so it's important not to go overboard with praise, but the last two performances have been like a breath of fresh air when compared to some of the stultifying sh ite that's been endured.

And I don't feel as though I'm going overboard by suggesting we could do far worse than give the big man the role for next season. Let's face it, we already DID far worse with the ludicrous appointment of Kid Chocolate (Buttons). The ineptitude of which was only surpassed by keeping him on for as long as we did. Wrong manager for the wrong squad, a self inflicted double whammy. We have a period to draw breath and take stock, but whatever happens I feel it's imperative Darren Moore is retained and I believe he will be kept on as a second in command. He knows the club and the players clearly respect him, good starting points.

My concern in the short term is the role of Giuliano Terraneo. While refreshing to have a replacement lined up for Hammond (short term at least) I don't quite get the logic. He's had a very broken career path, look at the gaps and you'll see what I mean. His remit is to appoint a new Director of Football (DoF) and overhaul scouting and recruitment, but surely the latter should be the job of the former? Not sure whether he's recruiting the next boss/head coach as well, but if so I feel that too should be the job of the new DoF as they'll be the ones working together.

Don't know why but I've got a very uneasy feeling about Giuliano Terraneo and what he brings to the table. Just as I did with the appointments of Terry (fkwt) Burton and David (reputed ego on a stick) McDonough. Whatever happens we're in for an interesting few months.