Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
Both have said they can't be on here 24/7. Both have also said that if a particular post offends you then hit the complaint button and your complaint will be reviewed. Seems fair enough to me.
Your complaint will be reviewed if they see it!

I wouldn't for one minute expect them to be on here 24/7. Both SwalePie and Cher1 have indicated they were pressed into taking on the role of moderator. I applaud them for not wanting to let the forum die, however, if they are not able to effectively moderate, then perhaps it's time to let the board die.

I don't hold with the idea that the board is self moderating. How many good posters have we lost, people like GranthamPie, Ulaggypie, Plympie, Wellypie/StuTNB, Chinola etc. I didn't always agree with Jacob, but I believe he was fair in his moderation.