Quote Originally Posted by CmonU***yStylishPies View Post
Never trust anyone who dislikes dogs, a good rule in life.
I can't understand why anyone would go on a thread that is clearly marked O/T Dogs, if they have no interest in dogs.

I have no interest in horse racing or cricket, I have nothing to gain by going on horse racing and cricket threads just to say I don't like them. In fact I'd feel every inch the prat, I'd made myself look.

Just because you can post on every thread doesn't mean you have to.

Cats and dogs provide companionship for many lonely people, particularly in later life. If your support network includes friends and family, consider yourself lucky. There are many people less fortunate (possibly through no fault of their own). For some of these people dog ownership fosters social interaction.



You can post what you like, I'm not going to enter into an argument, so I guess that makes you the winner.