Things are changing rapidly as far as the Youth set up is concerned and if you go to watch them you can actually see the difference in the standard at which they are playing now as opposed to previously.
It all takes time and, because of the damage done to the set up with the guys who were put in place by Eddie Howe, it is taking longer because we were unable just to get rid of them because of contractual obligations.
Once we were able to make changes SD appointed Michael Duff as youth team manager in 2016/17 and we have been making progress since then. Duff's advancement to look after the Under 23 team came rather sooner than anticipated by anyone, however, progress had again been made during last season and Danny Cadamrteri has also made good progress with the Under 18s.
We have to be patient and also realise that it is difficult to progress players because of the level at which the first team is playing.
Look at Chelsea and see how many players have progressed and yet they have won the Youth Cuo for many seasons.

We have a player playing for us who was at Chelsea from the age of 9 and has played for England at all levels from Under 16 to a full England cap, however, although he was at Chelsea for 13 years --5 of them as a professional ---he never kicked a ball in anguish for them ----Gentlemen ----I give you Jack Cork!