Hey hey, ye ol' codger. How does the summer do for ye? A bit more sunshine, a few more strolls (albeit with a walker) and a few 'big rolls of the dice 'at the bingo club, might still see you keep the Grim Reaper at bay. Provided of course, you continue to say away and stop fondling horses or ponies!

Anyway back to our favourite topic: boxing.

What you make of the proposed Fury v Wilder fight and Mr Joshua against Povetin?
And of course the other big one, Canelo Alvarez v GGG?

Since you're much older, (much much older), I think it's only fair, you shall have the honour of elucidating me with your thoughts for each of these bouts, before I attempt a reply.

Whatever it is... stay alive okay!! Hahahaha

(Oh btw, I did pay you a compliment in the Lazy Britons thread - gawd, I must be slowly becoming like and losing it.. what was I thinking?)