Monty, how close our living areas matched.

Our short cut to Far lane was down the slopes off Cawthorne Close and and across Herringthorpe Valley Road and through the snicket that came out into Sheridan Drive. Straight across this to the connecting snicket up a short slope to climb the steps onto Far Lane. The Post Office was then to our right, not sure if it's still a Post Office. We'd then walk up Badsley Moor Lane to Arnold Road nursery, my first school then as the years passed, up to Badsley Moor Lane Infants and Junior School up to 71 then it was a longer trudge to Spurley Hey Comp.

As for the Greasborough area I was born at 14 Hartley Lane in a railway rented house as my late Father was a signalman at the time.
The lane still exists but you could drive past it if you didn't know it was there. Up to the top of Tenter Street and you come to the railway bridge. As you pass over the bridge, Hartley Lane is immediately on your right. Lived there up to 64 then moved to Shelley Road in Herringthorpe. Moved to Lockwood road in 67 and stayed up to 75.