Quote Originally Posted by Returnofrros View Post
I agree we wud struggle to get those numbers with the current state of the team/ground but if the yanks had a complete u turn 're pricing, engaged with the support and took some of the help that was on offer then I genuinely believe at that price those numbers could be achieved maybe over the course of a couple of seasons.

Just as a wee example I would more than likely buy one for Mrs sunshine at that price and folk that aren't interested in going to listen to celtic/rangers ****e cud miss games without being out of pocket and any tv games moved don't necessarily leave you out of pocket.

Currently ( I wud guess) with a lot of fans a season ticket is a donation to the club, with very few making every game and probably a minority being in profit thru buying one.

I know that a lot of fans just shrug and buy one knowing it's daft really but want to donate to the club but I do sense this will not happen next season.

Maybe your right and it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference to our numbers but I think it's worth the try without being stupid about it.

If the yanks laid it out early enuf, we sell this amount this is what we can expect, sell this amount this and overachieved this I think fans would respond.

What would you do 're season tics Peter?
Really not sure what the answer is...agree the club needs a major overhaul but not sure how that could come about...thought we had a chance to kick on when we put United down...that was the time to engage the youngsters say 12-18 year olds but instead the club tried to drive them away with the carry on fencing in the Derry...
Just don't think there's the amount of people out there with the appetite for going to the match every 2nd week nowadays but a team winning will always get more through the gates and at the minute therein lies the problem