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Thread: Friends with the Enemy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2018

    Friends with the Enemy

    Please come forth if you've either had or have a friend that is a Current Bun, and tell me an interesting story how it affected your friendship...

    Either that or let this thread die a lonely death...

    Next week, we'll do Loving the Enemy, where we share any "Ugandan discussions" (see Private Eye) we've experienced with the female side of this horrible lot...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    It's not possible.

    F'uckin Hun B'astards

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Sad to say, my younger brother is a Tim .... and his 'wee team' is Hamilton Accies!! ... He's actually a lovely guy, and a damn clever one as weel believe it or not! ... We take delight in winding each other up of course, and it's taken in good spirit on both sides.

    Of all the great many folk in the bands I have played with, The vast majority have been .. and still are, I hasten to add ... Dandies, but 3 Timmies have been in the mix ( in addition to said brother ) .... lets face it, if ye enjoy playin Scots and Irish folk .. not withstanding a Pogues tribute, there's inevitably gonna be a Timmy in there .... thankfully, in this format, there's been only 1 ( actually, 2 if I include a 'stand in' for two gigs) ..... but NEVER a hun!

    I was devastated to be told, after parting company with the Pogues trib's original bassist, that he was a 'rabid hun' .... but this turned out to be a wind up ... peddled by said bassist ... and I was left believing it for more than 3 years after he left ... fair play to him ... I swallowed it wholesale, and suffered embarassment at not having done 'due diligence' ... or 'bad recruitment' if ye like ... to be followed byembarassment at having been so gullible to fall for the wind up! ... We can laugh about it now tho

    ..... The only hun I am chums with is a guy who was in my class all through primary and secondary school. who was a Rangers fan .... however, he now in the "dinna gie a fυck aboot fitba ... fitba's shiτe" school of thought ... fine guy .... still a fυckin hun tho ... and tae my mind will remain until he "gies a fυck aboot fitba" enough tae issue a denial.

    There were a few Tims and huns in ma primary school class (66 - 73) ... but we got on OK ... the only real animosity was limited tae droppin a hun/tim/dons fitba card intae the class gerbil cage tae enjoy watchin it being chewed up .... much tae the displeasure of fans o' Colin Stein/Jimmy Johnstone/Tommy McMillan etc
    Last edited by NaeMairNeeps; 10-12-2018 at 11:57 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I mind that photo of Colin Stein..........c'unt.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    My back to back at work, who I worked at my last company for 6 years too is called Lliam and we got up to some amount of drunken mischief in different cities over the world. And in Scotland to be fair.

    My stag do in Frankfurt we go cut off from everyone else after the fitba and ended up on a (wrong)train to some town we both still do not have a clue where it was to this day and how we ended back in Frankfurt after

    Hes a hun ******* from Raploch but not an active one anymore

    A true story about him is the double L at the start of his name is not a typo. Its real because his dad wanted to call him William but his ma vetoed it. So a happy medium was the double L

    He sound enough and I would class him as a mate. Not so much now as hes offshore when I'm home and vice versa but when we worked together at the previous place I spent more time on jobs with him than anyone. He lost his job and I helped him out and got him this gig. I wouldn't do that for many folk

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Being from hunsville I had no choice. Don't remember too many Celtic fans to be honest but they came out the woodwork when they started winning. There were a few Aberdeen fans dotted about, helped by the local supporters club. It converted a few as well. Supporters clubs don't get the recognition they deserve.

    Where I'm living now, there's plenty of current and ex footballers but it's mostly Rugger Buggers. I'd rather be friends with a Hun.

    Work is a mix of both but have friends invovled in Celtic, Hamilton, Motherwell and St. Mirren. I know only three Dandies at work and somehow we've all came together in the same department.

    I don't mind being friends with Huns, the ones I am friends with aren't rabid but they can be bitter, like most of us when it comes to football. WhatsApp has been good recently for obvious reasons. They mostly can take a joke.

    Top bantz.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    I lay it on thick with any huns I meet regardless of how sound they might be. Brother-in-law (his granda is a hun legend), pals, workmates, next door neighbour.

    During the death of the huns mk1 the huns at work really started to dislike me which I revelled in despite previously getting on good with one of them.

    In conclusion, **** the huns.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by InversneckieDob View Post
    Ditto, I’ve plenty of mates that support either cheek, one or two decent jutes also.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I have a diminishing number of older family members who "favoured" the ****ing scum*******s, and only ever saw them at Pittodrie. This is some sort of throwback to their youth in the 40s and 50s where even getting to see your local team in red was a day and a denner of a trip.

    One relative did travel to some bigger games in Glesca in the 60s/70s, but was so mightily ****ed off by the bigotry against RCs, as many of his friends were of that persuasion, that he stopped attending.

    This meant that there was an uptake of this rancid, corrupt cause by their loons, many of them my contemporaries, who were also far-away fans.

    At work nowadays, there are a couple of younger boys who 'support' the tribute act (THEY'RE DEID, THEY'RE DEID, ****ING DEID!!) but as amateur and Junior fitba players until recently, they've been playing every Saturday since they were nippers and have a vague affinity for the brain-rotting cause rather than offer any actual support. One, slightly younger than me, has a "1690" tattoo which he keeps covered up since he realises it was a ****ing stupid thing to have had done when he was a daft loon.

    I cannot find it in me to befriend any of these ****ers. My opinion of anyone whom I tacitly know, plummets to Jules Verne levels once I find oot that they're a hun*******.

    As John Lee Hooker says (of the boogie, but equally applicable to my hun hatred). "It's in him, and it;s got to come out".

    Or, as Dickens memorably wrote, of Jo the crossing sweeper's pauper death in Bleak House, "Dead, your Majesty. Dead, my lords and gentlemen. Dead, Right Reverends and Wrong Reverends of every order. Dead, men and women, born with Heavenly compassion in your hearts. And dying thus around us, every day. Just like those fuucking hun waankers will in the 200th anniversary year of my own birth. The stinking inbred throwbacks".

    Other than that, I have no strong feelings on the issue.

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