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Thread: O/T Labour

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    O/T Labour

    With 70% of their members in favour of a second referendum why doesn't Jeremy Corbyn state that that is their intention? He has said this morning that he will not talk to May unless a no deal is taken off the table.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by i961pie View Post
    With 70% of their members in favour of a second referendum why doesn't Jeremy Corbyn state that that is their intention? He has said this morning that he will not talk to May unless a no deal is taken off the table.
    Cos he's a politician and politicians work in subtext. He can't just come out and say that can he as he will get hammered for being 'undemocratic' and it makes him even easier meat than he already is.

  3. #3
    These politicians are worse than kids.

    Corbyn isn’t interested in getting a deal with Europe. Only getting into power at whatever cost.

    The best way to make sure no deal doesn’t happen is to get involved and thrash something out.

    His no confidence vote failed. As they claim they knew it would. So why bother? What did it achieve? Waste even more time?

    It’s time they all got around a table and sorted this mess out for the good of the country.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    You know I'm no fan of Corbyn, right? However, simply because polls show that 70% of Labourites want a second referendum does not sanction it - only the executive can do that. However, by refusing to take part unless 'no deal' is taken off the table, he is making a policy statement that most Labour MP's would support.
    It's a s h i tstorm. This (calling all factions together) is something she should have been doing two years ago. It's far too late now because the gaps between them have grown even wider than the gap between a rock and a hard place.
    This is incompetent government at its very 'best'; matched by an incompetent opposition (with the exception of the SNP and Caroline Lucas).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by The_Don_ORiordan View Post
    These politicians are worse than kids.

    Corbyn isn’t interested in getting a deal with Europe. Only getting into power at whatever cost.

    The best way to make sure no deal doesn’t happen is to get involved and thrash something out.

    His no confidence vote failed. As they claim they knew it would. So why bother? What did it achieve? Waste even more time?

    It’s time they all got around a table and sorted this mess out for the good of the country.

    They should have done that over 2 years ago.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by sidders View Post
    You know I'm no fan of Corbyn, right? However, simply because polls show that 70% of Labourites want a second referendum does not sanction it - only the executive can do that. However, by refusing to take part unless 'no deal' is taken off the table, he is making a policy statement that most Labour MP's would support.
    It's a s h i tstorm. This (calling all factions together) is something she should have been doing two years ago. It's far too late now because the gaps between them have grown even wider than the gap between a rock and a hard place.
    This is incompetent government at its very 'best'; matched by an incompetent opposition (with the exception of the SNP and Caroline Lucas).
    I was right with you Sid, until the last line. You have to be having a giraffe.

    SNP- no more interested in Brexit than Corbyn. They are the epitome of hypocrisy.
    Their mandate is independence from the UK, yet want to be ruled by the EU?
    They show as much respect for a referendum result as the EU themselves do.

    Caroline Lucas? Or did you mean the Greens?
    You can't support a one woman/man band Sid. You may as well include UKIP then if you're going down that road. They had 3 times the support, the Greens had at the last election.
    Lucas herself, is more concerned about foreign nationals here than any native citizen.

    Labour/Corbyn have just shown themselves up for the charlatans they are. Of course the party wants to remain, going completely against what the main support for Brexit came from. Then Corbyn, refuses to co operate in talks, unless no deal is removed?
    Well that makes him and his party look ****s, where time and again. They have said ALL OPTIONS must be on the table.

    ME,ME,ME,ME,ME it still carries on .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    This is Corbyn's 'Clegg/tuition fees' moment.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by drillerpie View Post
    This is Corbyn's 'Clegg/tuition fees' moment.
    Someone needs to grab that house by the nuts.

    "you are no Parliament, I say you are no Parliament; I will put an end to your sitting"

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    SNP- no more interested in Brexit than Corbyn. They are the epitome of hypocrisy.
    No, the hypocrisy is from you. Scotland voted 62% / 38% in favour of remaining, so in opposing Brexit the SNP are surely carrying out the democratic will of the people. You've been asking for that all along, yet suddenly it doesn't suit you!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by i961pie View Post
    With 70% of their members in favour of a second referendum why doesn't Jeremy Corbyn state that that is their intention? He has said this morning that he will not talk to May unless a no deal is taken off the table.
    Because 70% of their voters are not asking for one. Most Labour constituencies voted to Leave.

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