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Thread: How long has Mowbray got.......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    How long has Mowbray got.......

    Having thought about this so much overnight, I am of the opinion it is time he left. Leaving the questions? How long does TM have? That was pathetioc last night, fully expected, but pathetic all the same. He has run out of idea's and a good manager would get a tune of these decent players we have at Rovers. What is happening is we are getting worse, and the manager is contradicting himself almost every week. The message he is sending out to his players is confusing. And the fact he keeps going back to the likes of Danny Graham is really really concerning. I feel he is lost now, and its best he left.
    Birmingham where in appalling form, we are a better side over-all. But we are so far gone now, players are destroyed, confidence is at the lowest its been Its all very comfortable. The players are no longer doing what
    One game one defeat won't be forever remembered, or have any bearing on our future.
    But I hope we lose heavily at PNE, Which will probably happen. As it will hasten what needs to now happen. Poor teams, who are really struggling for form will always get tonnes of injuries. Its what happens when things start to fall apart.
    Things have been falling apart all season. I had huge fears after the Charlton game. And its not being addressed, its getting worse. Its all a bit of a shambles.
    Starring Elliott Bennet and Danny Graham. Williams is crap, the list could go on. Johnson just gives the ball away, amd has no impact on games. Travis isnt a defensive midfielder, anyone can see that. He is attacking, he is our best player. TM hasnt got a clue what to do with him. Like he has no idea what to do with the good young players.
    Leaving out the good ones. Playing out of form ones.
    Vale, Butterworth, Chapman all in great form. Danny Graham is finished. Yet we keep going back to him?

    people forget, what a mess this club is still in. If we get relegated, and I think there is a big chance we will if Mowbray stays most of this season, we will drop down into Div1.
    This time though, the Venkys wont pump another pile of cash in. They will write off the £120m debt and walk.
    And Rovers will go the same way as Bury and fold shortly after. As nobody would want to buy this mess of a club, with a tiny fan base, that isn't growing.

    We aren't heading forwards, we are going backwards. TM has lost it, and its appalling to watch. We are crap, and going nowhere. But as a team, we are much better than that.

    Hopefully a big, 4/5 nil defeat will mean he leaves and we can go get Hughton who will improve us. Who is a much better manager, and will hopefully get a tune out of some good players. Either him or Ainsworth. If we had any ambitions to go up, it would be Hughton. I don't want us to lose out on him, while hes available, so hopefully it happens soon. I wouldn't even give TM 2 more games. A fluky result at PNE would be a disaster now, as it would buy him more time. And he wont turn this round. Not now, not with Danny Graham etc.
    All the sides in this division that have mande a managerial change, have ALL benefitted. ALL of them. Reading, just won 2 games in a row. With Mowbray in charge, I don't see us winning 2 games this side of Xmas.

    I am massively unimpressed with a load of so-called players we have. Who are letting us down. But we cant sack all of those ****es. So one man carries the can. He has lost it though, absolutely no doubt.
    But then, keep playing Elliott Bennett and Danny Graham, Johnson, Downing and the same thing will happen.
    I'd get them out of the team and go with youth. They are all so woefully out of form, we have nothing to lose. But he wont be brave enough to do that.
    Expect Danny Graham & Bennett, Williams on Sat, and another pathetic performance and poor result. We all expect it now. Time to go

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Sven, Robin ...I know for you its a long way up. Either of you want a ticket for PNE? Free
    I bought it ages ago, and just can't sit throught another 90 mins of that garbage.
    Let me know, i still have time to post it to either.
    Aucks if you want it, you can have it but your paying your own Air fair


    First come first serve, although I am guessing there wont be many takers.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Working mate but thanks for the offer
    To be fair it really is for the best I dont go as the past couple I went to(luton,QPR)we were dire.
    Something tells me we will pull of a shock or 2 in the next 3 games.
    Football is a strange game where a unexpected result can sometimes spark a fight back.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by robinrover View Post
    Working mate but thanks for the offer
    To be fair it really is for the best I dont go as the past couple I went to(luton,QPR)we were dire.
    Something tells me we will pull of a shock or 2 in the next 3 games.
    Football is a strange game where a unexpected result can sometimes spark a fight back.
    It really would be more of a disaster now if he somehow manages to pick a result uo at PNE. As it will give him more time here. The quicker and more decisive we move here, the quicker we turn things around. Not temporarily, which is what will happen under TM. I'd be going speaking to Hughton now before someone else snaps him up. Managers only really last 2-3 years these days tops. Unless you someone worth keeping, like Burnley have with Dyche. It's time to move on, it's all very stale. A brief upturn now would not be helpful for us as a club. As every week he's here now, we are getting pulled closer to a relegation scrap. By the end of tonight's results, we will be just 3 or 4 points off the bottom 3. That's simply not good enough. And there are no signs of this changing. Not with Danny Graham etc

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    I would happily pay £20 to get out of having to endure this one.
    Last night was one depressing 90 mins I don't think I can do it to myself again. I need a break.
    Forest the other week was poor, as was Luton, as was 70 mins vrs a woeful Hudds. QPR was embarrasing, and last night we come up vrs a side worse than us. Who had just lost 4 in 5 games. They are so poor. But better than us.
    Looking at the set of results going into that game, I really didn't think we would come away with anything less than a point. As they really are a poor side. Who lose to everyone. They could not be in a worse place.
    Then we turn up and turn in another pathetic display.
    I felt really sorry for Dack last night, who is just head and shoulders above anything.
    I cant now include Holbty as I am now informed he cant play twice in a week?
    Bennett can, Downing, Johnson all these others who are doing nothing can. But nobody decent.

  6. #6
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    Mar 2009
    Champs - your posts are totally over the top.
    I actually agree that TM is now probably only two defeats away from the boot, but some of your comments are outrageous.
    One minute you're saying most of our players are crap; the next, you claim we should be challenging for the top six.
    What else?
    Well, suddenly Graham has become totally inept and useless.
    Same with Downing (who actually has impressive statistics for pass-completion, etc).
    Williams? He has had two poor games. Otherwise, he has looked very sound.
    And you are making the classic error of saying everything on the pitch is down to the manager. It makes no sense to say that Travis is being made to play "defensively". He is in central midfield. Once the game starts, he (like all the others) has to react to what is going on. He doesn't think, "Oh, I'll have to hang back, because the boss told me to"!!
    In the end, the manager carries the can, and I doubt that Mowbray can survive much longer, but your complete dismissal of anything connected with him is excessive and shameful.
    We are in midtable - not rooted to the bottom!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by AucklandRover View Post
    Champs - your posts are totally over the top.
    I actually agree that TM is now probably only two defeats away from the boot, but some of your comments are outrageous.
    One minute you're saying most of our players are crap; the next, you claim we should be challenging for the top six.
    What else?
    Well, suddenly Graham has become totally inept and useless.
    Same with Downing (who actually has impressive statistics for pass-completion, etc).
    Williams? He has had two poor games. Otherwise, he has looked very sound.
    And you are making the classic error of saying everything on the pitch is down to the manager. It makes no sense to say that Travis is being made to play "defensively". He is in central midfield. Once the game starts, he (like all the others) has to react to what is going on. He doesn't think, "Oh, I'll have to hang back, because the boss told me to"!!
    In the end, the manager carries the can, and I doubt that Mowbray can survive much longer, but your complete dismissal of anything connected with him is excessive and shameful.
    We are in midtable - not rooted to the bottom!
    We haven't won in over a month. We aren't scoring. We aren't keeping clean sheets. We aren't playing well. We aren't creating chances. We aren't really missing them.
    We aren't Mid table. We are 4 points from the bottom 4. Separated by 4 points. Utter rubbish Auks.
    And if you think that Danny Graham will be the answer then I give up.
    It makes no sense to tell Travis ti play defensively. That's the exact message TM gave him the other night. Then told him to push on in the 2nd half. Mowbray said so afterwards.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    And please stop putting words in my mouth. I thought at the start of the season we looked to have a good squad. And felt like many others, including everyone at Blackburn Rovers that a realistic aim would be to try and go for the play offs. That's exactly what TM and Waggott told Venkys a few weeks ago in Pune. They responded by saying they would back him again in Jan if we where around the play off places. And I've paid close attention to that story.
    I also was very vocal in the first game. And stated the areas of huge concern. You told me i was talking rubbish. And we wo8ld soon pick up and push on. We did, for a couple of games. And now it's getting worse by the week. And the issues I brought up vrs Charlton on game one ate all affecting us now.

    But yeah, every week I say we should be going up. Apart from I can't find anywhere where I've said that. I can find plenty of you telling me I'm wrong. And why I think we aren't pushing on. And you keep telling me how wrong I am. As week by week we drop futher down the table closer to the bottom 3. It's only 5 points now. Maybe only 2 after Sat
    But yeah, all going really well other than that.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    How many times???!!!!!!!!
    I'm not saying Danby Graham is inept now. I was saying this vrs Charlton. And pretty much every match he's played since. But your going to tell me he is playing well?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    No - I'm not saying Graham has played well. He has generally been disappointing. Having agreed that, we did actually look better after he appeared on Tuesday, despite him missing a good chance.
    My point is that virtually all of our players have been inconsistent, and saying that's "because of" Mowbray doesn't really make sense. Who is "responsible" then for the games where individuals or the team HAVE played well? You can't have it both ways!
    I have no problem with TM being sacked if we lose the next two. That's the way football works, and I will welcome whoever replaces him.
    However, I will not join in with this nonsense that "everything is the manager's fault". In all my years playing a variety of team-sports, on the many occasions I had a poor game, it never crossed my mind to say, "Yeah - I had a shocker, but it was all because of the coach."
    To go back to the Travis business, are you really arguing that if a manager says to a midfielder, "I want you make sure we're a bit tighter through the centre today", he means the player should stand in one area, and under no circumstances contribute to the attacking side of the game?
    These are talented professionals. They are not robots, controlled by the man in the dug-out.
    We are playing poorly at the moment, and Mowbray inevitably carries the can for that. Personally, I feel he has been too loyal to certain players throughout his career with us, and has perhaps relied too heavily on experience. But when I read on the Telegraph site that he is somehow responsible even for the injuries, I despair.
    I am also startled by the widespread belief that any new manager will produce a magical change. Yes - our recent history really supports that notion, doesn't it?!
    Chris Hughton? A very likeable man with good ideas on football...but one sacked by Norwich and Brighton.
    This notion of generically "good" and "bad" managers is tosh. They are only ever as good as their last job.
    Mowbray is a "bad" one at the moment. He might well go somewhere else and turn into a "good" one again. (I wonder how we should classify Cook and Hurst now - the suggested saviours last time Mowbray was under the cosh!)
    Meanwhile, the players sail on, carefree - no doubt buying into the story that they couldn't help their poor performances because they were being badly managed.
    As far as I am concerned, we are a Championship club now, whatever history says. If we get to the play-offs one season soon, that will be exciting and enjoyable. Then we might strike really lucky and do what Burnley have done for a few seasons. Very unlikely, however. The PL is NOT, somehow, our rightful place.
    My bottom line is just the old cliche - take it one game at a time. Mowbray probably has two chances left, but I have no idea what will happen next (even in the Preston game) because this is football. I am not optimistic because lack of confidence is a killer. All the same, Mowbray - at the very least - deserves that these players should come out fighting on Saturday.
    In a couple of matches this season, we have looked really slick. In most of the others, we have ranged from lacklustre to poor. Do you really want to put yourself in the difficult position of trying to explain where those good games came from if the manager is 100% responsible, and yet the same man has been in charge for every game?
    To me, there are far more factors in play than what one man, who is NOT on the pitch, says and does before the whistle blows. Trying to reduce the complexities of football to that one criterion is just ridiculous.

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