We started of brightly in this match and for about the first 15 minutes or so I thought we would score more goals then they got back into the game and we retreated backwards. It was a combination of poor decision making , short passes going to the opposition and then hitting hopeful long balls down the pitch which did not find a player in red. This continued well into the second half and Orient really had the upper hand and if it was not for our keeper and better finishing they would have been in the lead. Chumma looked as if he was carrying an injury or completely worn out by all the recent games and offered us very little up front but who could replace him ? I watched Dave Artel during the second half and he seemed resigned to the play we were playing and sat on the hoardings rather than be on the edge of his box issuing / shouting instructions to the players. We cannot continue to play like this and were lucky to get away with a 2-0 win and a clean sheet.I thought the back 4 played well but were under pressure by our midfield allowing them to push us back and not dominate them . I would have possibly sacrificed Chumma and put another midfielder on to shake things up and make the opposition think a bit as we were to predictable for the whole 90 minutes .