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Thread: Justin Fashanu to be inducted into Hall of Fame

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Lullapie View Post
    You'll have to read more newspapers than just The Sun to form your current affairs view Elite.
    It must be 30 years since I last read The Sun.

    I was being sarcastic.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by SwalePie View Post
    Great to see another former Notts player being recognised in this way isn't it? What a shame this potentially celebratory thread has been dragged so low when we should be happy and proud about it, albeit tragically posthumous.
    In fairness, he was a good player. I remember him scoring two in a cup win at Leicester. I also saw THAT goal at Anfield. I met him in the Bell once and had a good chat about football, he seemed very happy to talk to fans. So, I think that his circumstances probably do merit this honour. Why try to deride his memory. It's not as if he killed anybody.

  3. #43
    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSmithRules View Post
    Lulla. Same *** marriage has been a legal requirement in the UK for six years. Churches should not be allowed to pick and choose which bits of the law they adhere. Ultimately, when we're talking about churches we are talking about the opinion of people, not bricks and mortar. If those people don't want to tolerate UK law then they should have the marriage licence for their building revoked.
    It's not a requirement, it's an option,and by definition can be exercised, or not. The same applies to any religious organisation that conducts marriage ceremonies. The only element of compulsion quite properly relates to registrars.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Nottingham Post piece on his move from Rushcliffe to Nottingham....

    Love this bit:

    "In those days Fashanu was the top earner at Forest, on £800-a-week equating to £40k-a-year. I said to Justin that our top-paid player was on £400-a-week. ‘OK, I will take it,’ he agreed."


  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Lullapie View Post
    I'm very pleased you think it's great. Perhaps the fact that when he committed suicide he was on the run from the US Police who wanted to arrest him for ***ual assault on a minor, is not just cause to exclude him from the Hall of Fame. As I asked earlier, why has he been inducted?
    I'm glad you're glad I think it's great, I can have a good afternoon now as I was worried what you would say. I think the fact he had the balls to do what no other footballer has done (but many probably have wanted to) in all this time deserves some recognition. Also doing what he did had devastating effects on his life and probably led him down a path he wouldn't have gone down if he'd have shut up and played the part. I believe he did commit the act he was sought after for and obviously the guilt and shame he felt not only for himself but what it would do to his brother who already hated him made him take his own life. I don't condone what he did (I shouldn't really have to say that should I) but still think it might help in the future towards a more tolerant society, obviously things are going the other way at the moment.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlackHorse View Post
    ... whilst he was a useful player and not an exceptional talent, I wonder what the qualifications are to achieve 'Hall of Fame' status. Looks like a very 'PC' move to me ...

    Regardless of what kind of player he was, the first openly gay footballer should definitely have a place in the Hall of Fame. This is not political correctness 'gone mad' neither is it a PC move. Can you imagine what it must have been like for him? this is a true hero story and a milestone. Shame there's only been one or two after Justin who came out. There's 25-30 players in a squad. The law of averages says there's at least one gay player in each team, yet nobody seems to want to 'come out'. This kind of award may help other gay players who are still 'in the closet'.

    Get woke dude...

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    ... erm ... the LGBT people keep saying don't make us a special case ... just let us get on with our lives. Take his status out of the discussion and we are left with a capable footballer ... NOT a candidate for Hall of Fame.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlackHorse View Post
    ... erm ... the LGBT people keep saying don't make us a special case ... just let us get on with our lives. Take his status out of the discussion and we are left with a capable footballer ... NOT a candidate for Hall of Fame.

    Stormzy would not agree with you.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    ... and by the way, don't lable me with the 'woke' c rap ... that IS just PC rubbish

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    ... who the hell bothers what Stormzy says. He should get a proper job ...

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