Quote Originally Posted by donsdaft View Post
All this for a wee touchy flu.
The two medics here are astounded with the hype over this. I'm not stupid enough to think people wont die and a lot of people wont get ill but I don't agree with the apocalypse movie sh@te that's coming along with it but after speaking in depth with them, (not worrying I might add, more like they are both sound and I am marooned in the middle of the Atlantic with time on my hands) I have heard the stats and there were multitudes of them, I have heard the positives and negatives of the keep calm and carry on and the stay at home and ban fitba at all levels approach. There is a lot more in favour of the keep calm and carry on approach and the cooking yourself up is bad in the long run. I would rather take the advice of degree trained medics than the google degree fuds in the paper and on the telly etc

As both medics said

"this really has shown you how many morons are in society"

I am home on Friday and I think I will lock myself in the house. Not because of this disease, because I cant stick f@cking morons