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Thread: Fgr

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by kill_the_drum View Post
    I don’t know much about FGR but they average less than 2500. Unless they’re bankrolled they’ve probably hit the glass ceiling in league 1.
    Maybe I’m being a bit arrogant but I’d still see Notts, with the current owners, as a better career choice long term.
    *admittedly ‘long term’ isn’t a phrase you can often use with football managers.
    Agreed. No way FGR will get promoted again, so the best he can hope for is to tread water in L1. Why not stick around at Notts and try and progress up the leagues. Assuming we don't make it through the playoffs, I think IB needs one more crack at promotion next season. Then, if he fails, no more excuses.

  2. #12
    The temptation for the FGR managerial role would be several things.
    Firstly it seems that the chairman/owner seems to back the manager as they've all seemed to have done well.
    Secondly as a club they appear to be at their Zenith therefore who ever takes over will be in a win win situation. If they bomb it would be as expected so no blame would be attached, if they succeed they become great footballing stock.
    Thirdly it gives the manager / IB the chance to ply their trade at a higher level testing their footballing credentials
    Hopefully he will stay as potentially we are the bigger club and given time he could be challenging himself at a higher level with us...!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    I would be absolutely amazed at this. Surely IB currently has the best head coach/manager position in the world right now, why on earth would he want to go anywhere else?

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by PedroTheFisherman66 View Post
    The temptation for the FGR managerial role would be several things.
    Firstly it seems that the chairman/owner seems to back the manager as they've all seemed to have done well.
    Secondly as a club they appear to be at their Zenith therefore who ever takes over will be in a win win situation. If they bomb it would be as expected so no blame would be attached, if they succeed they become great footballing stock.
    Thirdly it gives the manager / IB the chance to ply their trade at a higher level testing their footballing credentials
    Hopefully he will stay as potentially we are the bigger club and given time he could be challenging himself at a higher level with us...!
    I agree and disagree.

    Agree they are at their peak now. Disagree that's good for a new manager.

    The fans are jubilant and are used to winning every week. Being the guy who comes in when they stop doing that is not going to help. Fans will say at the start of the season when they have their rational heads on 'it will be tough' etc, then when they watch them match after match the emotions will kick in. There's also a reasonably high chance of a relegation battle, which often involves a sacking, whatever assurances were given.

    I'd say FGR offers only downside, unlike Notts which offers no downside at all and plenty of upside. IB could feasibly get two promotions on his CV with us without doing anything exceptional.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    FGR’s chairman has a touch of the Hardys about him - arrogant and full of himself. Was badmouthing Watford for poaching manager Rob Edwards and saying “Hopefully they’ll be stuck in the Championship now and we’ll play them in a few years” - so he’s ambitious, despite FGR basically being a village team with little hope of ever getting much of a fan base. All sounds like a vegan Rushden and Diamonds to me.

  6. #16
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    Jun 2003
    Last time I looked there was nothing regards Burch on their local Gloustershire news Forest Green section and their forum, which is quiet for a club that's just got promoted to tier 3, isn't exactly buzzing with speculation, I think there was only one passing mention of Burch with reference to the betting odds.

    If there was something in it, then I suppose there might be an agreement to wait until the play offs are over. The timing would be ridiculous if he left or even agreed to leave after the end of the season at this point in time.

  7. #17
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    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by DaveSmithRules View Post
    All these links elsewhere just show the high regard IB is held in.
    Cant imagine why as to date IB has not done anything at all,( currently worse than our previous manager Ardley ) , and has achieved average results in a very low league with little consistenty , just wishfull thinking , IB is probably in the mix with 20 or other so managers that bookies always pump out lol .
    If IB did leave if the 1 out 100 happened i would not be bothered at all, as almost any manager could do as well

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Davy500 View Post
    Cant imagine why as to date IB has not done anything at all,( currently worse than our previous manager Ardley ) , and has achieved average results in a very low league with little consistenty , just wishfull thinking , IB is probably in the mix with 20 or other so managers that bookies always pump out lol .
    If IB did leave if the 1 out 100 happened i would not be bothered at all, as almost any manager could do as well
    I know, weird isn't it? You'd think we were playing progressive, attractive, winning football and had rolled into the play offs as the form team of the division! It's almost as if he has the best win percentage of any manager since JS over a full season. Oh hang on...
    Last edited by SwalePie; 16-05-2022 at 12:29 PM.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by kill_the_drum View Post
    I don’t know much about FGR but they average less than 2500. Unless they’re bankrolled they’ve probably hit the glass ceiling in league 1.
    Maybe I’m being a bit arrogant but I’d still see Notts, with the current owners, as a better career choice long term.
    *admittedly ‘long term’ isn’t a phrase you can often use with football managers.
    I agree. We are a far more attractive prospect long term than FGR in my opinion. Although when Mark Cooper left us for FGR that was a different story. We’ve got the stadium, infrastructure and facilities not forgetting fan base, history and secure and stable owners. We are “oven ready” for L1 if we can get it right on the pitch.

    There are other things to take into consideration like with a player such as personal circumstances. One would presume that IB may have a young family due to his age and would want to be settled somewhere after being abroad for a few years? The East Midlands offers that and there are plenty of clubs he could go to at a higher level in this region if and when the time comes.

    Yes FGR are located in a very beautiful part of the country but the Cotswolds is not a footballing area. Likewise can league one players be attracted to that area? The cost of living in the Cotswolds is very expensive. So to get them to relocate will not be cheap. I’d imagine players from the Bristol clubs and Birmingham area could be persuaded.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by SwalePie View Post
    I know, weird isn't it? You'd think we were playing progressive, attractive, winning football and had rolled into the play offs as the form team of the division! It's almost as if he has the best win percentage of any manager since JS over a full season. Oh hang on...
    But the thing is Swale they were not the form team of the division over the whole season, in fact 4 teams were better, and that is what matters
    As for atrractive, progressive and winning football it must have disappreared at Aldershot a few games ago

    Currently we are about to see how good IB actually is, the only time winning a 2 or 3 game sequence means anything is now in the Playoffs
    IB is lucky in one respect having a second shot at the playoffs after losing one , as most if none of notts previous managers have not had that luxery
    As i said now we will find out how good IB is, what has he learnt from last years playoffs, hopefully that we need to get at it from the offset, no be on the back foot early on, falling behind, and only then playing well when its too late
    Our oppenents, will have done their home work, and know we are vunerable to a high press, and crumble defensively when under pressure, they will almost certainly come at us from the offset , especially Wrexham if we get that far

    So its over to IB ,to date im am not convinced he has sorted any problems out, and will be found out very quickly in this play off process , however i hope he proves me wrong, and shows he has learnt from previous mistakes , then i will say fair play and well deserved , but as they say the proof is in the pudding

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