Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
We’re at the end stage of the Conservative & Unionist Party, given that they’re neither Conservative or Unionist. All they have left is culture wars, as they had a shot with everything else & their policies are a disaster. Lee Anderson, Scott Benton, Brendan Clarke Smith, Jonathan Gullis, Suella Braverman etc will get shoutier as next years election gets closer. School dinners? Woke leftist agenda. Social security? Transwoke petrol protesting nonsense.
I’d be surprised if they didn’t send our brave troops into Ukraine, as a last roll of the dice. War is always good news for Tories electorally
Aye, the politics of pure hate. How that list of names above ever got elected is beyond me, was being in the EU that bad we ended up with those named above in power? If you made all those above into a human jigsaw you still couldn't piece together anything resembling a human.

Just noticed that there is more than a passing resemblence between 30p Lee and our Chairman!