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Thread: Mad Vs Real Life

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Mad Vs Real Life

    Reading the board I was feeling apprehensive about going yesterday. All the negativity. But back in the real world I thought there was brilliant support all the way through yesterday. A real belief in the team still and I loved that we didn't turn toxic when they (kept) scoring. I love that despite the crappy results we got behind the players and I think they put in a great performance. For me that's true support and just what's needed.

    It just me to wondering why 80% of the vibes on here are negative whereas in the ground it's more like 95% positive?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    I suspect that it's because of lot of people who comment on here don't actually go to the games. Some do, obviously.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Maynard got booed by the loyal away support when he went to applaud them at Swindon.

    The atmosphere didn't turn toxic yesterday because the team began on the front foot and we were never more than 1 goal behind at any stage in the game.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I always notice that my 76-year-old dad's opinions are so different to the general mood on here. He's a season ticket holder and doesn't use any form of social media or message board. He understands that results have been poor, but also that the problems are deep rooted and Maynard isn't responsible for all of the mess we're in.

    Meanwhile, on here, people have the knives out. On Twitter and other social media platforms, it's positively toxic. It's clear that the internet has emboldened people to behave in ways that they wouldn't do otherwise.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Very simple, I’m certain Maynard is wrong man for the job and I say so on here, but at games I’m nothing except supportive. I’m pretty sure there’s many people like me. ( I have a season ticket but didn’t go yesterday, dunno whether I’ll go on Saturday).

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Pietastic View Post
    Reading the board I was feeling apprehensive about going yesterday. All the negativity. But back in the real world I thought there was brilliant support all the way through yesterday.
    The crowd was excellent yesterday, except for a few juveniles in the lower right Kop who frankly just embarrassed themselves and ruined a perfectly good bedsheet!

    I don't doubt that a good number of supporters - me included - have serious reservations about the Head Coach and the terrible run of home results, but rather than coming along to kick the manager and the team while they're down, the fans collectively seemed to take responsibility to try to lift them back up, which is the definition of 'support'.

    Social media is mostly negative. It's an echo chamber that massively exaggerates minority and especially negative views. That's why the opinions expressed on social media sites should mostly be treated with a pinch of salt. It attracts your troll types who deliberately set out to create discord, but as BFP says above, there are also people who use sites like Notts MAD as a safe space to get their doubts and moans out of their system RATHER than express them at the ground where such negativity could potentially undermine the morale of the team. In that sense social media could be viewed as serving a therapeutic purpose ... as long as people remember it's not 'real'.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    People speak their mind on here. And what is there, 15 really negative posters (if that, they just repeat). You telling me that of the 9k or so Notts supporters there isn't many many more with the same negative thoughts but bite their tongue? It's a message board not a nest of vipers ffs.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by jackal2 View Post
    The crowd was excellent yesterday, except for a few juveniles in the lower right Kop who frankly just embarrassed themselves and ruined a perfectly good bedsheet!
    I was quite surprised when I heard about the bedsheets, but I didn’t think it was embarrassing at all, by all accounts they are lads who go home and away and that was their way of expressing their unhappiness with the current set up. It also enabled Bracegirdle to find a way to ask some challenging questions rather than the gentle full tosses he normally goes with.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by BigFatPie View Post
    I was quite surprised when I heard about the bedsheets, but I didn’t think it was embarrassing at all, by all accounts they are lads who go home and away and that was their way of expressing their unhappiness with the current set up. It also enabled Bracegirdle to find a way to ask some challenging questions rather than the gentle full tosses he normally goes with.
    They're entitled to their opinion of course, but it certainly didn't seem to read/reflect the overall mood in the ground, and I say that as someone who in fact agrees (with them) that Maynard is not the right man to lead us into next season.

    The most amusing thing was that having finally plucked up the courage to unfurl their work of art at 2-3 when they obviously thought we'd lost and it was safe to do so, they hastily hid it away again when Nemane equalised. Apparently their opinion/message wasn't strong enough to survive a 3rd Notts County goal!
    Last edited by jackal2; 02-04-2024 at 12:09 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    If any run of results at Notts has justified banners this century, then Maynard's would be right up with Sherdian, Fullarton and Brazil.

    If somebody had been handing out unlimited "Maynard Out" banners to anybody that wanted one at the gates of the Kop yesterday afternoon, then I dare say you'd have seen a lot more of those being held up.

    At any ground when managers are under severe pressure, it's usually only one or two who will make the effort to knock a banner up. Nobody would feel emboldened enough to display one if they didn't think a good percentage shared their opinion.

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