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Thread: Site Moderation Discussion

  1. #131
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Quote Originally Posted by DerekMiller View Post
    This has been a very interesting read and some great viewpoints and opinions from all sides, with the added Millersmad garnish of squabbling between people who don't like one another.

    For my own part, I stopped posting on here last year when I breached my own code of behaviour. Regardless of any forum rules or sticky posts, I always said for my time on here I'd 1) avoid politics and 2) never get into any sort of insult slinging with fellow contributors. We may not always agree on things but we're all Millers and we can all be civil to one another. In the tap room analogy, have a debate, disagree, right who's round is it? Ironically that fell apart for me when I made the stupid error of posting after a skinful of ale then had a cringefest the next day.

    There were other things going on in life too, Mrs Derek having a number of health issues, my own blood pressure issues, family issues, the on the pitch situation being very depressing. There was certainly more to life than Millersmad and a tactical withdrawal followed. Being a technophobe, I can't access this by smartphone, I have a desktop PC set up in an office in the house. So it was easy to go completely cold turkey and it was a nice break.

    For the last few weeks I've been back on in an observer only mode and I still believe that we have a really decent range of football contributors on here. It's not perfect but look out at the world and show me where there is any perfection right now? Where there are human beings, there will be flaws, it is inevitable. The Mods on here are like anybody else in life who has any hint of authority or responsibility, they will always be damned if they do, damned if they don't. Moderating in a way that will please everyone will be like trying to drain a swimming pool using a sieve.

    In regard to attracting new posters, various people have contributed their opinions regarding "woke" and "anti woke", political views etc, so I'll leave that well alone. But for my own experience, a big turn off to any newcomer on here will be the inevitable accusation that you are a "multi" the minute you engage in any sort of viewpoint or show any characteristic that stands out a little. As soon as I started to post negative comments about Matt Taylors management of our club, people started to drop in the vague insinuations that I was actually somebody else posting under a different name.

    Is it offensive? No. Is it boring and tiresome? Yes. Very. So if we're wanting to attract newcomers on here it doesn't make sense to label anybody new a multi merely because they have a personality that differs from someone elses.

    I appreciate that multis can be a problem and they obviously do exist, but the accusation is a repetitive trope on here. Since returning as an observer I was unsurprised to see it still gets banded about. I don't know what tools the mods have at their disposal to correctly identify multis, but it would make life on here better if they could be spotted and simply removed without any fanfare or attention. That is what they want after all.

    My stance on multis is simple. If someone's life is so empty that they have the time and inclination to create several accounts so they can attempt to wind people up, then that is quite sad. If someone's life is so devoid of excitement that they create accounts, post on here, then log in as another account and reply to themselves in order to bolster the original opinion, then I think we've reached the point of that person needing professional help.

    To loosely quote the great sci fi comedy Red Dwarf, "if being a multi is their crime, it is also their punishment."

    Going back into my fox hole now for a few months
    Great post.

    Having seen the outcomes of this thread and then taken time to follow up on some points around people leaving last year, I did a bit of scanning through old posts by old members to 'fact check' some claims. There is a clear trend with some behaviours, and I've seen how newcomers are treated first hand, not to mention any ideas that challenge the status quo. I like the idea of a fox hole far more than dealing with what is demonstrably more hassle than enjoyment, so have opted to follow suit. Obviously a separate fox hole, up here in sunny (for now) Ulley.


  2. #132
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    So being called a multi is upsetting people 🤣🤣
    What’s that saying oh yes thus protest too much.
    Truth hurts 😂😂👍🏻
    I promise I won’t say it again bless ya.

  3. #133
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    Everyone of the mods is pro anti woke
    Only just found this thread but that is a classic

  4. #134
    Quote Originally Posted by Back of the net View Post
    So being called a multi is upsetting people ����
    What’s that saying oh yes thus protest too much.
    Truth hurts ��������
    I promise I won’t say it again bless ya.
    If ever I needed a post to prove my point here it is, on a plate. It was almost too easy.
    As I said, being called a multi isn't upsetting anyone. It's just extremely tedious and boring and gets levelled at anybody relatively new who posts something that stands out. It's the MillersMad version of Godwin's Law
    But by all means, crack on if being repetitive and extremely dull is your thing. Like I say, more to life than a forum

  5. #135
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I would say one thing that would help a new poster stand out and be welcomed. Be funny! These old gets aren't! I am the funniest by a long way!

    This board has been going for years. I have met many posters new and old in real life and it does change the way I interact with them. This could be seen as a clique but it's not! I just know them personally, they know I mean no harm and I them so we can go a bit further with the banter between us.

    New posters that come on and try and change the way of thought for some of the posters won't work! Have a laugh, get to know them a bit first and don't accuse anyone of being outdated in thought. This tap room is a good place and a bad place but you decide which table you sit on and what you say in response. It's easier to ignore someone than it is to write an essay telling them why they're wrong. others may not agree with you.

  6. #136
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by DerekMiller View Post
    If ever I needed a post to prove my point here it is, on a plate. It was almost too easy.
    As I said, being called a multi isn't upsetting anyone. It's just extremely tedious and boring and gets levelled at anybody relatively new who posts something that stands out. It's the MillersMad version of Godwin's Law
    But by all means, crack on if being repetitive and extremely dull is your thing. Like I say, more to life than a forum

    Derek it’s just tongue in cheek.
    Multi posters have been a thing on here for ages and not exclusively to new posters. I do remember calling people multi because they do sound like other posters.
    I got called it I just laughed it off.
    Monty, Wendun, Kempo , IBS Guru all of these imo are multi personalities but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t matter as long as they expect to get some friendly banter.
    I’ll stop saying it and welcome anyone’s opinion I may not agree with it it’s just how it is.
    Keep posting it makes the board more interesting.
    No more multi talk from me 😉

  7. #137
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Great post Derek. I like yourself just ignore the multis. Not hard to work out who they are and it's az boring az fek listening to there bullshine.

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by DerekMiller View Post
    This has been a very interesting read and some great viewpoints and opinions from all sides, with the added Millersmad garnish of squabbling between people who don't like one another.

    For my own part, I stopped posting on here last year when I breached my own code of behaviour. Regardless of any forum rules or sticky posts, I always said for my time on here I'd 1) avoid politics and 2) never get into any sort of insult slinging with fellow contributors. We may not always agree on things but we're all Millers and we can all be civil to one another. In the tap room analogy, have a debate, disagree, right who's round is it? Ironically that fell apart for me when I made the stupid error of posting after a skinful of ale then had a cringefest the next day.

    There were other things going on in life too, Mrs Derek having a number of health issues, my own blood pressure issues, family issues, the on the pitch situation being very depressing. There was certainly more to life than Millersmad and a tactical withdrawal followed. Being a technophobe, I can't access this by smartphone, I have a desktop PC set up in an office in the house. So it was easy to go completely cold turkey and it was a nice break.

    For the last few weeks I've been back on in an observer only mode and I still believe that we have a really decent range of football contributors on here. It's not perfect but look out at the world and show me where there is any perfection right now? Where there are human beings, there will be flaws, it is inevitable. The Mods on here are like anybody else in life who has any hint of authority or responsibility, they will always be damned if they do, damned if they don't. Moderating in a way that will please everyone will be like trying to drain a swimming pool using a sieve.

    In regard to attracting new posters, various people have contributed their opinions regarding "woke" and "anti woke", political views etc, so I'll leave that well alone. But for my own experience, a big turn off to any newcomer on here will be the inevitable accusation that you are a "multi" the minute you engage in any sort of viewpoint or show any characteristic that stands out a little. As soon as I started to post negative comments about Matt Taylors management of our club, people started to drop in the vague insinuations that I was actually somebody else posting under a different name.

    Is it offensive? No. Is it boring and tiresome? Yes. Very. So if we're wanting to attract newcomers on here it doesn't make sense to label anybody new a multi merely because they have a personality that differs from someone elses.

    I appreciate that multis can be a problem and they obviously do exist, but the accusation is a repetitive trope on here. Since returning as an observer I was unsurprised to see it still gets banded about. I don't know what tools the mods have at their disposal to correctly identify multis, but it would make life on here better if they could be spotted and simply removed without any fanfare or attention. That is what they want after all.

    My stance on multis is simple. If someone's life is so empty that they have the time and inclination to create several accounts so they can attempt to wind people up, then that is quite sad. If someone's life is so devoid of excitement that they create accounts, post on here, then log in as another account and reply to themselves in order to bolster the original opinion, then I think we've reached the point of that person needing professional help.

    To loosely quote the great sci fi comedy Red Dwarf, "if being a multi is their crime, it is also their punishment."

    Going back into my fox hole now for a few months
    Nice post Derek (if that's your real name ). Welcome back and you need to get out of your fox hole a bit more often. Sorry to hear about your "off field" issues.

    In answer to your question, we have no tools whatsoever to identify 'multis' except intuition and I have very little of that anyway. As far as I'm concerned I don't really care how many persona people adopt if that's their MO and it makes them happy. Your Red Dwarf 'quote' covers that perfectly.

  9. #139
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    No need to apologise CT Miller. There doesn't need to be a line drawn but MM should remind folks that some issues generally in society are not acceptable and to bear this in mind when posting. Thats all I ask. That applies to me as much as anyone else.

    The anti woke stuff is nonsense and tiresome. Why shouldn't people fight there corner? What is wrong with that?

    Bear in
    mind if people hadnt fought their corner in the past most of us would probably still be living as serfs/ slaves. Some probably think they still do.
    Thanks, Roly. Interesting debate and I largely agreed with all the points in this last post of yours.

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    ?????Iphone problem

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