Quote Originally Posted by The Beautiful South View Post
The sooner the season is over the better, irrespective of the outcome. Wholesale changes are required throughout the club and if that means becoming part-time, so be it. The majority of the squad should be ditched, they have had a full season to show their worth and most have failed miserably, hence why we are in our current dilemma. Yes the manager is clearly flawed, but our team on paper looked more than capable of a top four spot. Why we have not achieved this is a combination of things but primarily the players are just not good enough, even for the lowly level we find ourselves competing at. I sincerely hope we retain our Division 1 status but do the players deserve any adulation if this is achieved, certainly not!
It is tempting to point fingers and apportion blame, - but at the moment we desperately need to keep all on side to ensure our First Division status, - because I wouldn't like to see us in a play-off battle.