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Thread: O/T:- Who needs Parliament?

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    My prediction is that we'll leave on the 31st with a deal that is very similar to the one Theresa May brokered, which means that not many on either side will be satisfied. Boris Johnson is acting like Billy Big Bollox at the moment but the EU won't blink first, so he will have to take any tiny concession they offer and proclaim it as a triumph. After that, his puppet master over the pond will realise he has him by the balls and will offer a "really great trade deal", that is really great for the USA.

    In case I've got it wrong, my planning for no deal is gathering pace. I have had a bumper crop of runner beans and French beans (don't know if I'll have to pay a tariff on the latter) so my freezer is filling rapidly. I have also matched my 2lb 12oz onion record with plenty more still growing, and with careful storage they should last until Christmas. Add to that I have a row of parsnips and leeks which I can pick fresh over winter, so I will permit myself a smug smile when people are complaining about prices in the supermarkets.
    My Grandad used to specialise in runner beans so I'm well versed on them. I always pick them and freeze them young though. Nothing worse than a stringy runner!

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    That's ok for you and me, but what about those who don't have the extra pennies?
    They don't seem to matter!

    Can't understand why people want to leave whatever the cost to be honest.

    The lovely Mr. Farrage won't suffer too much - I presume that as he hates the EU so much he hasn't been taking any pay or expenses from them and he'll waive his pension.

  3. #103
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    My prediction is that we'll leave on the 31st with a deal that is very similar to the one Theresa May brokered, which means that not many on either side will be satisfied. Boris Johnson is acting like Billy Big Bollox at the moment but the EU won't blink first, so he will have to take any tiny concession they offer and proclaim it as a triumph. After that, his puppet master over the pond will realise he has him by the balls and will offer a "really great trade deal", that is really great for the USA.
    That's actually my reading of the situation too. BoJo is a lot of things but he's not daft, and I'm sure he knows the reaction he will get by proroguing parliament. He must either be:

    Deadly serious about wanting a no deal and doesnt care who he upsets - Possible.

    Is using this to spur a general election to get a mandate for no deal. - Possible.

    Is playing the pantomime bogeyman to both the EU and parliament. Probable.

    He won't get major concessions from the EU but will be taken more seriously than May, and in the same way that some euro sceptic MPs voted for May's deal even though they didn't like it so as not to lose Brexit altogether, now remain MPs will vote for the deal plus a few tweaks as they're scared of no deal.

    If that's what happens it's actually very effective politics. He gets a reputation as the man who gets things done, and a compromise Brexit is the right outcome even if it will please nobody.

    If on the other hand he genuinely does shut down parliament to push no deal through then I think that's a worrying development.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    That's ok for you and me, but what about those who don't have the extra pennies?
    Blitz spirit and sunlit uplands for them.

    What's funny is that almost to a man the same people who were crying crocodile tears for pensioners over the BBC licence fee (which let's not forget is means tested) are also those who cheerily prescribe 10 years of economic pain for everybody.

  5. #105
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    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by jackal2 View Post
    My Grandad used to specialise in runner beans so I'm well versed on them. I always pick them and freeze them young though. Nothing worse than a stringy runner!
    True, which is why I grow a stringless variety. Even they can get stringy if you don't pick them early enough, but once the pods show swollen beans I leave them on the plant to wither and then use them for next year's crop.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Although I am against no-deal, in a strange way I would like it to happen just to see the outcome.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by magpie_mania View Post
    Although I am against no-deal, in a strange way I would like it to happen just to see the outcome.
    I remember saying the same about Brexit. I voted to remain, but from a curiosity point of view that would have just given more of the same.

    I was intrigued as to how it would turn out, although I must admit I never imagined a farce of such epic proportions!

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    A more pertinent question would be.... who needs the monarchy?

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by the_anticlough View Post
    Where to start? In such a close vote, the cases of leave MPs representing remain constituencies are just as prevalent
    You have 2 other problems. Polls over the past year have consistently pointed to a lead for remaining. Most people have seen through the conmen. Then of course the original vote will always be seen as illegitimate - the lies, the law breaking, the exclusion of voters. It was the biggest scam ever played on the british people.

    November 1st will be just another day but that election is coming. This rotten crooked govt could well be out on its ear next week. Pfeffel will probably accept Farage's nazi-style 'non-aggression' pact. Building on yesterday, labour, lib dems, green, SNP, Plaid etc might not run candidates against each other in the upcoming GE.
    Where to start indeed!

    I suggest you go look at the resuts of the referendum again, i didn't just pluck 400+ constituencies out of thin air, to say that the cases of leave mp's representing remain constituencies is inaccurate.

    Polls! when was the last time that these were a useful tool in predicting anything of note? politics in this country has changed dramatically in the age of social media and in recent times these polls have been able to predict precisely nothing,the referendum is a perfect example (who really thought leave was going to win on the night?)

    If you think November 1st is going to be just another day in Europe you really ought to start preparing yourself and stop with the denial, as was posted above, Boris is not as daft as you would like to think he is, he is heading towards the exit door of the EU and if there is an election it will be on his terms,after we have left and he has united his party, his whole hardball tactic is designed to win the tories a general election post brexit.

    If you think that remainers will tactically not run against each other in a GE you are extremely naive, they couldn't rally and organise a cohesive opposition in 3 years against a minority government who's heart wasn't really set on leaving anyway, how on earth would they manage to mastermind bringing down a government tactically in just over a month. it is a moot point anyway because we will be out on Nov 1st.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    Rubbish, of course we would. As I posted earlier, the number one leaver and the person who instigated this mess said before the vote that he would push for a second referendum if remain won narrowly, and he actually used the 52%/48% split as an example of a narrow win!

    I wonder why he suddenly did a complete U-turn?

    Many of the MPs in parliament have done U-turns also.

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