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Thread: O/T Brexit

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by dam617 View Post
    Wow, how long was he on holiday for? You've told this story so many times it reeks of something each time you bring it up.
    Any tattoos? Shaven head? Scuffed knuckles?
    No, nothing to make me think he was a Forest fan.

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by i961pie View Post
    It is probably similar to Cameron and Osborne saying there will be one referendum only and if you vote leave we will come out of the single market and customs union, neither looks like happening at the moment. Both sides have sailed close to the wind on their statements of what will or will not happen.
    Here we go again.
    So when a Prime minister and his deputy have the "opinion" that leaving will-
    1. Start up world conflict again ( Tusk said, it would destroy western, political civilization)(Cameron the serried rows of white headstones)
    2. Activate an emergency leave tax, plus spending cuts
    3.Make every house hold £4.5 k a year poorer
    4. 3 million people will lose their jobs

    We was also told, that there were no plans for a European army and Cameron would not resign should he lose.

    So were these "opinions" the manic ramblings of a couple of idiots to convince enough "thick b@stards"
    Or lies, that any sane person knew would never come to pass, but must be less serious than a ****ing bus slogan!!!!
    Last edited by Trickytreesreds; 19-10-2018 at 08:22 PM.

  3. #143
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    Feb 2008
    I can only repeat what I said before, I can't believe we're still talking about this.

    There is no 350m a week and even if there was they wouldn't spend it on the NHS, but this advert is very clear: stay in the EU and your ill elderly relatives will have to wait, uncomfortable and distressed, in a packed waiting room with other ethinicities, while if we leave they will be greeted by a smiling relaxed doctor in a virtually empty waiting room with just a couple of (white) people in it.


    There's no 'might', it very clearly describes two scenarios, failing NHS in the EU, well funded utopian NHS outside the EU. There is no wiggle room on this, sorry chaps.

  4. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by ncfcog View Post
    Sorry was in a rush!

    I fully understand your point and can agree with it in some ways, however why would we want to dilute our trade potential in that way.

    The Japanese have already suggested there’s a seat at the table for the UK at any new pan pacific trade deal after Brexit which would suggest others would follow suit.

    Also in the case of almost every EU member state, Germany aside, why would we want them hanging on to our coattails while we share with them the spoils, what will they bring to the party?
    Hi Ncfcog, no worries I had to go out too.

    I'm afraid I still don't understand what you mean by dilution, third countries (Japan for example) will still trade with Germany, Italy, France etc after Brexit.

  5. #145
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    Jan 2010
    So how did this "special relationship" and reform work out for you Dave?

    Basically, it will give effffff all in concessions. It can not. To do so, would see the EU unravel overnight.
    So the choice is quite simple.
    Either clean break and start again as an independent.
    Or roll over, conform and carry on to more integration, until the USE is finally in control.

    Threats/bullying don't sit well with me.

  6. #146
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by drillerpie View Post
    Hi Ncfcog, no worries I had to go out too.

    I'm afraid I still don't understand what you mean by dilution, third countries (Japan for example) will still trade with Germany, Italy, France etc after Brexit.
    We and others already trade with other countries anyway, trade deals are more about the bureaucracy and making it easier and cheaper to deal with each other.

    We as a country don’t need to dilute our offering and potential revenue by having to get in to bed with lesser EU states, if I understand correctly, and I could be wrong, it is likely this might mean them having a claim to a portion of our revenue under any new trade agreement. Any of this that is reciprocated, with the exception of say Germany wouldn’t be worth getting out of bed for.

    I just don’t see why we can’t just roll up our sleeves and start getting these deals done but maybe that’s just frustration on my part.

  7. #147
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

  8. #148
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by slack_pie View Post
    Jackal, didn't you say you voted Leave? Did you do this despite the likelihood of a 'no deal' scenario?

    Apologies for the delayed reply slack_pie, I couldn't get online yesterday.

    Yes I voted Leave, in the full knowledge that a No Deal scenario was likely if not inevitable. The red lines which existed between the EU and the Conservative Government on day one of the negotiations are broadly the same ones which make a deal unlikely now, so we've already wasted two years and millions of pounds on a process that was never likely to resolve anything. There's no point extending the process yet further, because unless either side effectively agrees to its own suicide, nothing is going to change.

    Will a No Deal Brexit present big difficulties for Britain? No doubt yes, but the blame for those consequences lies with the decision which got us into this situation 40 years ago, not the decision to extricate ourselves from it now. To employ an analogy, if you decide to start taking heroin and get addicted over many years, then trying to end that addiction is an extremely unpleasant and difficult thing to do, but it doesn't mean it's the wrong thing to do. The pain is the consequence of the stupid decision you made in the first place, and sadly you have to accept that in order to eventually get your health back.
    Last edited by jackal2; 20-10-2018 at 12:25 PM.

  9. #149
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    Jan 2010
    I'm surprised no ones mentions Clegg. The most professional liar since Tony Blair took the title.
    Mr I want whats best for the country does what all politicians do and lines his own pockets when and where he can.

    After being Deputy PM slaughtering companies not paying enough tax. Where does he jump ship to and leg it, as soon as he smells the money. Facebook!!!!! You couldn't make it up.
    Still, at least the snide ******* will be off my tv for a while.

    Earlier this month it emerged that Facebook paid only £7.4m in tax last year despite racking up a record £1.3bn in British sales.

    Clegg, a leading supporter of the People’s Vote campaign and part of a high-powered pro-remain group of former politicians lobbying to stop Brexit, offered a weak apology for abruptly walking away from the fight. Clegg said that once he had signed up with Facebook, he decided he may as well leave as soon as possible.

    “I have mixed feelings about leaving the UK’s public debate about the future of our country’s relations with the rest of Europe,” he said, writing for the Guardian.

    “The Brexit drama will soon move to – and possibly culminate in – the place where it arguably belonged all along, in parliament. I will no longer seek to play a public role in that debate.

  10. #150
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    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by ncfcog View Post
    We and others already trade with other countries anyway, trade deals are more about the bureaucracy and making it easier and cheaper to deal with each other.

    We as a country don’t need to dilute our offering and potential revenue by having to get in to bed with lesser EU states, if I understand correctly, and I could be wrong, it is likely this might mean them having a claim to a portion of our revenue under any new trade agreement. Any of this that is reciprocated, with the exception of say Germany wouldn’t be worth getting out of bed for.

    I just don’t see why we can’t just roll up our sleeves and start getting these deals done but maybe that’s just frustration on my part.
    Other EU countries don't receive revenue from our trade with other countries, like a kind of commision if that's what you meant. Their markets are pooled together with ours to give us a stronger negotiating position, it's the classic principle of collective bargaining.

    Here's a summary of a recent EU deal negotiated with Japan in which the Japanese agreed to reduce their tariffs for EU companies. If we negotiate as a smaller single country it is logical to assume that we will either receive smaller reductions in tariffs or we will have to offer more concessions in order to receive the same reductions from them.


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