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Thread: O/T Question Time

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by SwalePie View Post
    My goodness. I actually agree with you 100%. This is so much bigger than pathetic and transparent career or party politics. So sad if the result is not followed up with an 'are you really, really, really sure' second referendum but I fear it won't happen.
    Are you seriously suggesting that we go back to Europe, and say “I’m sorry we made a mistake “?

    We’d be stripped like a corpse on a battlefield. The first thing to go would be the rebate , and then a number of historical “ scores” would be settled with Gallic gusto . The EU would punish us with barely disguised relish “ pour encourager les autres”

    If you think the country’s polarised now, you’d have a de-facto civil war on your hands.

  2. #12
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Notsohumblepie View Post
    Are you seriously suggesting that we go back to Europe, and say “I’m sorry we made a mistake “?

    We’d be stripped like a corpse on a battlefield. The first thing to go would be the rebate , and then a number of historical “ scores” would be settled with Gallic gusto . The EU would punish us with barely disguised relish “ pour encourager les autres”

    If you think the country’s polarised now, you’d have a de-facto civil war on your hands.
    They'd want us in schengen and the single currency.
    After all, that is what the project is all about. One united states of Europe.

    To have that, you have to have law/currency/policy under one control.
    We and everyone else has had free trade hijacked by this pirate collective. Either comply, or we'll hurt your pocket.

    We have to be brave and see it through. Others will follow, they need a push.

  3. #13
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    Aug 2009
    We did know what we were voting for. We voted to leave the single market and the customs union. The problem lies with the politicians (charged with ensuring Brexit happens) dilly dallying and sucking up to the EU because their heart isn't in it. We need to be strong and come from a position of strength. Not bickering and in fighting. That only fuels remoaners like Anna Sourbitch and encourages people like Merkel.

  4. #14
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingMagpie View Post
    We did know what we were voting for. We voted to leave the single market and the customs union. The problem lies with the politicians (charged with ensuring Brexit happens) dilly dallying and sucking up to the EU because their heart isn't in it. We need to be strong and come from a position of strength. Not bickering and in fighting. That only fuels remoaners like Anna Sourbitch and encourages people like Merkel.
    I don't recall leaving the SM and CU being mentioned on the ballot paper. In fact I distinctly recall in the run-up some Brex****eers saying that would not happen. And they wouldn't lie would they?

  5. #15
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    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by LaughingMagpie View Post
    We need to be strong and come from a position of strength. Not bickering and in fighting.
    Maybe true in an ideal world, but it must be apparent to even the most fervent Brexiteers that we don't have a position of strength.
    What we have is plenty of bickering and in fighting from a government who just don't know what to do next.

  6. #16
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    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by macse15 View Post
    I don't recall leaving the SM and CU being mentioned on the ballot paper. In fact I distinctly recall in the run-up some Brex****eers saying that would not happen. And they wouldn't lie would they?
    No it didn't.
    It did on the remain propaganda sent to every address in Britain, printed with taxpayers money.
    Read the leaflet, make your mind up and go to the polling station.
    How many times have you voted in a General Election and next to the candidates name are their political views and aims? None.
    Will you see any in the future? No.
    This 'what wasn't on the ballot paper' has been laughable and desperate since it first appeared.
    Across the pond another bunch of crybaby losers are still throwing toys around too. They are actually harassing people and breaking up meetings.
    History has a name for these people.

  7. #17
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    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    The six-fingered ones were a bit more complimentary to her before the programme than after:


    I turned off after her first offering - she voted to leave but has now realised that trade will be more difficult if we do!!!! I am convinced that Brexit is the biggest farce in British political history. No-one knew what they were actually voting for (ie what leaving really means), and cast their vote based on a pack of lies from both sides. Our future is left with a hopelessly divided government where many of the major players are more concerned about their future careers than sorting an exit deal. The opposition parties are more concerned with winning the next election than sorting an exit deal. A complete and utter shambles.

    I know the EU was far from perfect, but they weren't as bad as this lot.
    Is the correct answer. It's a monumental foul up of the highest order. No one in the leave campaign thought they'd win, they were just furthering their career and lining their pockets. Then when they did win no one had and still has a clue what to do about it. An absolute joke.

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by crazyfists View Post
    Is the correct answer. It's a monumental foul up of the highest order. No one in the leave campaign thought they'd win, they were just furthering their career and lining their pockets. Then when they did win no one had and still has a clue what to do about it. An absolute joke.
    I would counter that argument with the fact that those who wanted to leave knew exactly what they were voting for and how to go about it. The problem has been that the process has been overseen and controlled by those who voted remain and they have never reconciled themselves to the result of the referendum. Consequently, there has been a plethora of obfuscation, incoherence and indecision. I do not think that May could have done a worse job which to me shows that she is either completely incompetent or a saboteur who is deliberately trying to scupper the possibility of a successful separation from the corrupt union which we voted to leave.

  9. #19
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    ... the politicians abdicated their responsibility to take a decision on the EU when they/Cameron opted to pass the decision to the voting population. This means they have absolutely no right to hamper the leaving process of getting out of the corrupt and failing EU. All they should do is cut out the whingeing and deal with day-to-day UK matters; ie., shut up about leaving and let those charged with negotiating get on with it. In any event, we know that the EU don't know how to negotiate; all they do is compromise at the very last minute - in this case probably Jan/Feb next year.
    So just relax, enjoy the World Cup; enjoy the new challenges at NCFC; enjoy Christmas and let's see how it unfolds. COYP.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlackHorse View Post
    ... the politicians abdicated their responsibility to take a decision on the EU when they/Cameron opted to pass the decision to the voting population. This means they have absolutely no right to hamper the leaving process of getting out of the corrupt and failing EU. All they should do is cut out the whingeing and deal with day-to-day UK matters; ie., shut up about leaving and let those charged with negotiating get on with it. In any event, we know that the EU don't know how to negotiate; all they do is compromise at the very last minute - in this case probably Jan/Feb next year.
    So just relax, enjoy the World Cup; enjoy the new challenges at NCFC; enjoy Christmas and let's see how it unfolds. COYP.
    Wise and factual words.

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