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Thread: USA election y'all

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Best comment yet is from Marina Hyde in today's Guardian:

    "With the future and democratic reputation of the American republic hanging in the balance, this is not an occasion for bombast. Rather it is time to reach humbly in the darkness, seeking only to summon such measured words as convey the
    intense dignity of this moment. In short, I think we all feel the hand of history on our pussies."

    Unable to observe the rules from this device, sorry.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I can't edit on this stupid device either, but in respect for the rules, here's a link to an image.

    I'm not a user of Twitter, so don't know if it'll work.

    She looks like my kind of woman with those shelves of Penguin Classics behind her though.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Are you still penguin bothering at your age min?

    Is it legal yet?

    Edit : His short story, "A day at Edinburgh Zoo" is worth reading folks. I think it was banned from Amazon though.
    Last edited by donsdaft; 05-11-2020 at 09:20 AM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Her articles are consistently brilliant

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by donsdaft View Post
    Are you still penguin bothering at your age min?
    Yes, why yes I am.


    Lined up are:
    The Last Day by Andrew Hunter Murray (Hutchinson, part of Random House Penguin these days, published 2020) on loan from our magnificent local library.

    Dickens's A Tale Of Two Cities (Penguin Popular Classics 1994). I read Barnaby Rudge in Paris in 2004, and said that I'd save ATOTC for a return trip, but as travel is now ****ed due to jandies and removal of my European citizenship, that's no longer a possibility. It's also the local Dickens Fellowship's book of the 20-21 season, and I'll need to be on my mettle to argue about its plot, characterisation, litotes, deus ex machina and fechting from my usual neo-Eurocommunist viewpoint.

    Anyway, back on topic...

    **** the Republicans.
    Last edited by 57vintage; 05-11-2020 at 09:59 AM. Reason: I just go for penguins

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Have things really got so bad that the Democrats are being described as socialists?

    ....and being anti fascist is a bad thing?

    I've been watching Boris and co. dismantling the legal protections bit by bit, it's amazing they are getting away with it.
    I'd quote Thomas More (from A Man for all Seasons) on the subject but it didn't end all that well for him.

    Trump getting the bung will scupper their plans for a clean pure genetically correct brexit though.
    Unless of course, they are completely aff their heids. (oh s'hite)

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    "Who will rid me of this turbulent priest?"

    The Democrats are the Tories under Cameron or May. Nasty ****s, but less nasty than the populist patriotism or nationalism of the (ironically) red party.

    The right wing always describe anything to the left of Kenneth Clarke as Communist, Socialist or Bolshevist. It's a heavy badge of honour to wear on one's lapel, but it's a third star on my tasteful Dons fleece.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    “Thomas More: ...And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned around on you--where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country's planted thick with laws from coast to coast--man's laws, not God's--and if you cut them down...d'you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake.”

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by 57vintage View Post
    Best comment yet is from Marina Hyde in today's Guardian:

    "With the future and democratic reputation of the American republic hanging in the balance, this is not an occasion for bombast. Rather it is time to reach humbly in the darkness, seeking only to summon such measured words as convey the
    intense dignity of this moment. In short, I think we all feel the hand of history on our pussies."

    Unable to observe the rules from this device, sorry.
    Fuc king mega-like X a basquillion.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Basingstokered View Post
    Apparently there’s been a load of mail in ballots because of COVID that are all for Joe absolutely nothing strange about that.

    There’s such stringent restrictions over here it would be impossible to vote in person.
    An American guy on another forum I go on posted a fairly lengthy piece on this (it was in response to another post).........

    Here's a website that provides links to every state,


    where you can see all the early voting statistics including ballots requested by political party (where that is recorded). You can see the requests and the returns. There is nothing nefarious about any of this. It is open and transparent, run by professionals who are really concerned with getting it correct. Don't insult them.

    If you look at the PA numbers in the link I posted, Ds requested ~1.16 million more mail-in ballots and returned ~1.05 million more. Applying those 95:5 and 90:10 ratios above (which actually gives the Rs more votes from the Ds than the Ds get from the Rs) that's just over 1 million more votes expected to be counted for Biden than for Trump WHEN MAIL-IN VOTES ARE COUNTED. In PA those mail-in votes cannot be counted until election day, and some counties weren't going to start until Wednesday. So a +500k Trump lead based on votes cast on election day getting overtaken by 1 million extra mail-in votes actually cast earlier but NOT COUNTED until AFTER election day is completely in line with expectations.

    I need to add that in WI, and MI, and PA, the legislatures are all controlled by Rs. In each state the election professionals asked for the legislature to allow mail-in votes to start being processed earlier in anticipation of more mail-in votes this year due to COVID (Pa is ~10 times the number of mail-in votes in 2016!). In each case the state legislatures REFUSED to act to allow more efficient processing. A vote cast early carries exactly the same weight as one cast on election day, but they are not counted and reported at the same time. Do not be mislead by incomplete information, especially when it has been intentionally manipulated.

    The R party across the country has disgraced itself by opposing simple American goals: every eligible voter should be registered, every registered voter should be afforded maximal opportunity to cast their vote, and every vote validly cast should be accurately counted.

    "Trump's lawsuits" is way too vague to answer - he has so many. But the latest ones, trying to actually stop the counting in MI, PA, GA, and NC, have an Elvis Costello chance of success - Less Than Zero. The history of America and election law is that we count validly cast votes. The bigger disputes would be over whether the casting of the votes - signature match procedures, witness signatures, ballots not in their security envelope (PA only IIRC), receipt date, postmarks, etc. Because each state has its own election laws with different requirements, broad statements are not available.

    As has been pointed out in many reports, lawsuits are only appropriate to correct something done against the existing law. Nothing that is being done to count the votes in MI, or GA, or NC, or PA is against existing law. Trump has a long history of threatening, or even filing, lawsuits to bully opponents. His track record in court is laughably poor.

    I cannot directly address whatever video you think you saw from Detroit, but all reports I have seen are straightforward. IIRC each party is by law allowed one person per precinct to review the ballots as they are processed, and that was strictly followed. ETA: I now see that there was apparently some issue with the overall capacity of the room, and some observers from both parties were excluded. On the surface, bad planning to not choose a room with the capacity to hold the full expected capacity. But that was due, as I understand it, to reduced capacity because of COVID-related restrictions. If I was running things and knew of that, I'd get both parties together, have each line up single-file, and let them in Noah's Ark style, two-by-two, until full. Then when one of either party wanted/needed to leave, they could be replaced by their own party. But crowds banging on doors or windows, or taking pictures/videos where prohibited by law, is never ok.

    Other people are absolutely NOT allowed where the votes are processed and counted. If you watch the HBO documentary "537 Votes" about the 2000 recount in Florida you can see a similar scene of a crowd of R supporters trying to improperly invade a space where they were not allowed. Not a new tactic at all. Still not legal, either.

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