I agree - if the choice of takers came down to volunteers then Caldwell & Collinson deserve credit for being man enough to stick their heads above the trenches.
They weren't very good penalties but they deserve praise over those who put their head down & avoided his gaze when Rosler asked who wanted to take one.

The only issue I have with the penalties is the order in which the players were put in to take them.
If you're taking them first you get your best taker to take the first one with the idea being that they are mroe likely to score & therefore it puts immediate pressure on the opposition as they know they are playing catch up straight away. There's no point putting your best penalty take last as (as Andy Townsend pointed out during his commentary) there's every chance that they may not be needed to take one.

If Rosler chose the order however it was the only mistake I think he made all day & he deserves more credit for the way he got a 2nd division side to get a draw over 2 hour