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Thread: O/T Tommy Robinson Speaks About Manchester Terror Attack

  1. #221
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    I'm not your enemy, kempo, let alone your arch enemy. I'm just someone who has disagreed with you from time to time and has been rewarded by being stalked in much the same way that Captain Hook was stalked by the crocodile in Peter Pan.
    I am not stalking you Kerravon.

    You are mistaken.

  2. #222
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    Good post as usual Celticmiller. Millersmad should open up ia branch of extreme right wing views only so that the rest of us dont have to read all the crap they put out. It could be an exclusive club - get the pun by the way .It would be the usual gang of about 6 (the massive minority of views on here) with guest appearances by the likes of Tur(d)f and Acido (obvious members of extreme right wing organisations/ footy hooligans stirring it up). The rest of us can get on with reading the reasonable views (the massive majority) of the rest of the millers fans on here.

    (Better still, find a little uninhabited planet somewhere in another galaxy and send em on the next rocket to live there. Everyones happy then. Prob solved).
    Have the "extreme right wing" raped 100,000s of kids? Or targetted children in terrorist attacks? Think you ought to get your priorities right.
    Last edited by great_fire; 27-05-2017 at 09:53 AM.

  3. #223
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    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Shark27 View Post
    100% I would send my child to a multicultural school. My wife worked in an international school. She said the kids were great.

    By the way, the lesson in my brothers case was also conducted in English. It was just that the children were not speaking it when discussing the lesson between themselves etc. Do I get assurances of that?
    Hi again Mr Shark (and Ellis),

    Yes the lessons have to take place in English and the contributions in class from kids have to come in English. They are all learning English together in order to live in England. Although many of the kids speak other languages. Our kids teacher would be screwed any other way as she only speaks English! Ofsted would only permit English in an English state school in general lessons and as they judge lessons on inclusiveness above ask else there are no worries there. But there are a lot of different cultures and it includes a lot of Muslims.

    Thanks for answering. Mr Fire and Grist - would you send your kids to such a school? You seem reluctant to answer?

  4. #224
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Yes Great Fire. They have. Then they put them in gas chambers. Slaughtered them. Burned them. Idiot.

  5. #225
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellis_D View Post
    Before I go into answering this, I really need to clear something up. I think you are getting Tommy Robinson and Paul Golding confused. Tommy is the smaller guy in the charity video I posted. He is the co-founder and ex-leader of the EDL, NOT Britain First. Paul Golding is the leader of Britain First. Tommy Robinson is not and never has been a member of Britain First. However, he has recently been on a couple of walkaround videos with them. But NOT at Brick Lane.

    Britain First are more right wing than the EDL. I wouldn't describe them as far right, although the media always does. They are certainly not far right like Nazis, the Ku Klux Klan or the National Front.

    Paul Golding does always preach about them going on peaceful marches, though that seems to depend on what mood he is in. I have seem him and other members confront aggressive Muslims several times. Although it does have to be said, it is nearly always the Muslims who become abusive or aggressive first, BUT, there is no doubt that Paul Golding and Britain First purposely use antagonistic tactics. I have seen videos of them walking into mosques and shouting about Muhammad being a *****phile, and other things. Whilst what they are saying is actually true, it is inflammatory, and although I don't like any religion, I don't see the need to walk into ANY place of worship and try to intimidate or annoy the people worshipping there.

    I think that is a fair review of Britain First.

    So to the charity walk. Remember, it's not Britain First, but EDL. And actually, only two members of the EDL. If they had wanted to be inflammatory they would have had a march through the area with a few thousand EDL supporters, as at other rallies.

    But let's just make a couple of points on that. Firstly, I don't know what reports you have read. I do know, though, that Tommy and Kev told the police if they would be arrested they would take a different route, but were NEVER informed of this. IF you have read that the police told them this, it doesn't surprise me. The police are often known for lying - Hillsbrough, Orgreave to name but two. So it wouldn't surprise me if this was another police plan to just arrest Tommy. As they allowed assaults to take place in front of them, it does seem to be yet another police stitch up.

    Let's also remember, everyone has a right to raise money for charity. Everyone also has a democratic right to protest. As I already acknowledged to millmoor - I am always an honest man - perhaps part of it WAS for their own benefit. As with plenty of celebs who raise money for charity. Their protest here, I feel, is the point that we supposedly live in a free democracy.

    It sounds to me, ragingpup, that you are unwittingly suggesting that there should be Muslim only areas in this country? That there should be no-go areas for whites, Christians or atheists. Remember this is still a Christian country.

    And every man, woman or child should be allowed to walk down any street in the country and not be attacked. Especially if they are doing a peaceful charity march. So it shouldn't be Tommy or Kev who should be punished for walking through their own country and coming under attack (in this case by violent leftists, but no doubt it would have been by extremist Muslims had they walked through the area). It might be common sense that they don't walk through there, but why shouldn't they? The police's job is to keep innocent people safe and arrest the criminals. Walking through certain areas is not a criminal offence (yet) but if we bow down to this kind of behaviour that certain people aren't allowed to walk through certain areas for fear of attack, then what kind of country are we becoming?

    Imagine two Muslims being told they are not allowed to walk through certain areas or they would be arrested. There would be outrage and rightly so, yet for some reason lefties only want equality for themselves and minorities.

    As for the rest of your post, as I explained, that has nothing to do with Tommy Robinson. That is Paul Golding and Britain First. The walking around with white crosses, the storming of mosques, the shouting 'We want our country back', the walk through Brick Lane, and many other intimidating and antagonistic things. And although I do agree with some of their objectives, as I explained earlier, I don't like some of their bully-boy tactics. But I do like it when they went round Islamic hate preachers' houses. I don't like to see any innocent person being bullied. I am sure me criticising some of these things Britain First do will shock some people on here who have already formed a view of me in their minds, but there you go.
    Thanks Mr Ellis_D - You're of course right! My wife put me right on this last night!

    However, some of BF's tactics are pertinent here.

    AS I said and must keep repeating so as to assure you I am looking at the situation as impartially as possible, Golding made some very good points in an assured calm manner when talking to students at Oxford (on You Tube).

    I would of course applaud him for taking the time out to raise money for a dying child with a sponsored walk. I would of course defend his right to walk wherever he wants, when he wants when doing so in a peaceful and to take part in peaceful protests if they are agreed and are agreed with authorities to take place in a peaceful manner.

    His sponsored walk though really worries me and I'd be grateful if you, as someone that seems to know about the incident:

    1. If his motive was to walk to raise money for a dying girl why did he choose to choose a route that deliberately went past a mosque and a community that will be aware of his past and therefore likely to react in a way that might cause a breach of the peace. Why not walk around Epping Forest? We have some lovely views out there.

    2. Reports on Channel 4 and the Daily Mail both reported that the Met offered Robinson two alternative routes. Yes, they might be fibbing but if Robinson had announced his intentions (how did he publicise it so that others knew about it?), then it would be a likely response from the Police and I would expect that to happen. Why do you suppose that they wouldn't have done that? On the evidence presented, I would have thought it more likely that Robinson turned up intending to take the route via the Mosque anyway - he seemed really determined to go via that route? Why??

    3) As someone who is willing to listen to Robinson's arguments, and have done, and take some of his points, doesn't it worry you, as someone who is promoting these arguments (usually quite eloquently I must say) that a person like me is completely repelled by the idea that Robinson seems to have used the situation of a dying girl to promote his own political agenda? It turns me completely off the bloke.

    Yes, anyone is welcome to go anywhere. Robinson could get out of bed this morning and walk through this route, as I have many times as a local, and no one would bat an eyelid (however, his profile might cause a few locals to react, that would be inexcusable and if I was him I think it might not be a good idea - but I've always walked through there without the slightest hint of trouble). The difference is if you announce that you will be walking down there at X o clock in what I can only put down as questionable motives. It's effectively the same as BF isn't it? Deliberate provocation. The same would be said if the AFL or even a group of Islmists were to announce a charity walk right past Robinson's house. They sort of have a right to do it but it would most likely cause a breach of the peace, and the police would most likely offer alternative routes. If not, the bloomin should do!

    But, the most important thing of all in this is that such deliberate, apparently quite cynical actions stir up the divisions between us, and is exactly the kind of action that ISIS want. Surely you accept that the end result of deliberate hostility is to further push impressionable Muslims further towards an extremist cause. The ISIS organisation make no secret of that this is their strategy and all research points to the fact that this is the worst thing we can do? Surely you can see that?

    I think Robinson should be heard and maybe he himself might have rethought that this kind of action is counter productive against his cause? He should try and get his views across in a non provocative means and join the cause in trying to both integrate Muslim communities into the British way of life whilst promoting accountability and responsibility from the small sections of the communities that promote extremist views.

  6. #226
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    Quote Originally Posted by celticmiller View Post
    Yes Great Fire. They have. Then they put them in gas chambers. Slaughtered them. Burned them. Idiot.
    Actually I don't they did rape 100,000s of children but I'm talking about this country.

    The only "extreme right wing" here are the people who believe women should be stoned to death for adultery and gays thrown off buildings, the same people people like you let get away with the most horrendous crimes because you don't want to been seen as racist or "Islamophobic".

    People who think that a bacon sandwich being left outside a mosque is as bad as little kids being blown up or raped by the 100,000s, they're the real idiots.

    Are you an IRA supporter too like Comrade Corbyn?

  7. #227
    Join Date
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    They are getting that space ship ready for you greatfire. Planet greatfire. You can live there in your own secluded little world with your type of narrow minded people. The problem is there wouldnt be many there and you would all end up kicking the sh it out of each other anyway bec ause of your intolerance of others. Have a good journey...the earth will be better off without your ilk...
    Last edited by rolymiller; 27-05-2017 at 11:04 AM.

  8. #228
    Join Date
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    Well if the Muslims take over this planet maybe it would be good to leave for another one, rather they leave for their own Islamic planet though, they won't be kicking the crap out of each other though because we know how tranquil and peaceful Muslim countries are.

  9. #229
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    Jun 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by KerrAvon View Post
    That's me done for then. You asked someone to agree with you and they did. QED
    I hardly think the parish priest would do such a thing. He's not a sleazy lawyer or whatever but a man of God. As to the child abuse thing I must be confusing you with some of the other nut jobs on here like Roly, Walter or John. The relevance is that it goes to credibility. Having claimed variously to be a lifelong fan of RUFC, SUFC and Barnsley you have little of that anyway.

  10. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by celticmiller View Post
    And they continue pushing their racist bile. And still, they pat each other on the back. And still, the only people agreeing with them are the ones who already agreed with them.
    celticmiller, in the last 3 months your only posts on here have been childish rants about "right wingers". Leave the Labour Party and get a girlfriend you twerp.

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