Well, someone has to start the discussion about Dario, so here goes.

My reading of the report, or the extracts that have been released so far, is that it exonerates Dario of any illegal activity (shall we say) with underage boys; indeed it seems that he was never accused of this despite much rumour and scaremongering, either explicitly or implicitly. This is very reassuring for those players that have had direct contact with Dario during his career, which is sadly now at an end.

He has, however, been found guilty of not reporting what he knew or, perhaps, refusing to believe that any man could do the awful things that Bennell and others were found guilty of. This shows a level of naivety on Dario’s part which probably does not come as a surprise to those that seem to know him best. The report says that they believe he answered honestly but could have done more at the time.

It’s a very sad end to Dario’s career and I’m not sure if his ban from football includes spectating at matches. Whatever the outcome it doesn’t alter the facts about what he personally has done for our football club and the hundreds of young people that he coached, whether they had no ability or loads of it. His enthusiasm for the game and how it can improve the lives of everyone involved remains self evident but, unfortunately, his actions, or more accurately inactions, have led to this reputation being forever tarnished.

A sad day for a genuine man.