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Thread: O/T Tommy Robinson Speaks About Manchester Terror Attack

  1. #341
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellis_D View Post
    LITERALLY ALL you have EVER done on here is slag people off, calling them racists, far right, bigots, etc. And defend terrorists and *****philes. I have NEVER seen you post ANYTHING about Rotherham United. But you don't want anyone to link the fact you support Celtic to the fact you also defend terrorists and *****philes and insult anyone who attacks these people. Despite Celtic football club also supporting terrorists and defending *****philes.

    Now, not all Celtic fans supported the IRA, of course. But I have seen thirty odd thousand of them singing songs in support of them. I guess you will try and play the old minority card, but that's a big minority. And Big Jock knew about children being abused by a coach at your club, and he decided to hide it under the carpet rather than inform the police.

    Go back and support your terrorist supporting, *****phile protecting football club, because you certainly never come on here to show any kind of support for ours.[/QUOTE
    Are you going to back up any of that bile filled s@@t?
    Absolutely no bile there, and no sh1t either. If you are going to cast aspersions like that, point out where I have spouted bile? If you are unaware that Celtic fans sing songs and fly flags in support of the IRA, you have never been to Parkhead or a Celtic away game.

    Just in case you're a bit of a plastic Celtic fan, you know, one of your descendants came here during the potato famine, they never went home but you still hold on to those Irish roots so therefore even though you were born in Rotherham you 'support' Celtic, not a club actually based in Ireland, just a club formed by Irish settlers, here's a video of Celtic fans singing 'Up the IRA'. No, not a few of them, not a minority but almost every fan in the stand:


    What about this lot in Manchester all singing, 'Glasgow Celtic IRA'. No, again, not a minority, the VAST MAJORITY of them are there singing it:


    Celtic are a club based in Scotland. Should Scotland ever come under attack from any other nation, our British troops would put their lives on the line to defend Scotland. But this is the way the scumbag Celtic fans treat them, booing, jeering and chanting songs at them such as, "Argentina, Argentina, Argentina" and shouting things like, "Murdering *******s."

    So despite Celtic being a club based in Glasgow, a city defended by British soldiers, the fans of this club sing songs in support of Argentina, a country who invaded British territory.

    Is that enough proof for you that Celtic are a scum club? Is that enough proof that a majority sing the songs not a minority? If not, get yourself to a game.

    As for Big Jock. He absolutely knew that children had been abused at the club by Jim Torbett and he said nothing. He was more interested in protecting the interests of his club than the children, so he swept it under the carpet as he knew how harmful the truth would be for his club.

    Celtic Boys' Club chairman Hugh Birt has claimed that Stein and the Celtic board were aware of and covered up allegations made against Torbett.

    "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland); 11/13/1998

    FOR MORE than 30 years the shadow of ***ual abuse has hung over Celtic Football Club.

    From the boardroom to the dressing room, it was murmured that Celtic Boys’ Club boss Jim Torbett was molesting young stars.
    To a man, the Celtic board did nothing to expose the pervert and the dreadful scandal.

    Only when Fergus McCann took over as chief executive and started his own investigation was the secrecy broken.
    If ever a story had been hushed up it was this one.

    The shameful silence only helped the man who preyed on the ****age hopefuls, knowing they would be too afraid to reveal the truth……..

    It was a call to Celtic Park by one of them (the victims) that led McCann to conduct his own investigation.

    He was the only Celtic boss ever to take positive action on the matter……… Our special phone line was jammed with calls backing up the claims of Brazil, McCluskey and Gordon. Some of the calls were harrowing – men now in their 30s sobbed as they spoke for the first time of the abuse……… Record team Anna Smith, Iain Ferguson and Charles Beaton were given a Reporter of the Year Award for uncovering the scandal……… Torbett only met justice because a handful of courageous men came forward. John McCluskey said: “He ruined my life. And for every victim who came forward there are five more who still can’t bear to tell their secret.”

    Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland); 11/13/1998

    HUGH Birt’s 25-year crusade has been to unmask perverts like Jim Torbett.

    Today, 12 years after he quit as chairman of Celtic Boys’ Club over the *** abuse cover- up, Hugh is still angry. He is convinced that there are dozens of other Torbett victims suffering in silence. At his home in Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow, Hugh, 65, spoke of Torbett’s “frightening” power over the youngsters.
    He said: “He could make dreams come true – or destroy them………

    ……..Hugh was made chairman of Celtic Boys’ Club after Celtic FC manager Jock Stein kicked out Torbett amid complaints of abuse.
    He said: “Jock said to me to keep its name clean.” ……….

    ………As more parents complained to Hugh about *** abuse, he informed Celtic vice- chairman Kevin Kelly, on advice from Jock Stein.
    He said Kelly, who had just been given a plum job at Torbett’s Trophy Centre, promised to investigate and the claims were reported to the Boys’ Club committee.

    But minutes from that meeting have vanished. Hugh claims he finally quit after a row with Kelly over the abuse claims.


    JOCK Stein, the late manager of Celtic and Scotland, and his board covered up allegations that the founder of Celtic Boys’ Club ***ually abused young players, a court heard yesterday.

    Giving evidence at the trial of James Torbett, Hugh Birt, a former chairman of the boys’ club, said that Stein had kicked the defendant out when rumours began to circulate.

    Mr Birt said: “Stein literally put his foot up his backside.”

    Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that Mr Birt took over as chairman of the boys’ club in 1973 and was told by Stein, who steered Celtic to European Cup victory in 1967, that Celtic’s image must be maintained.

    The cover-up emerged during the evidence of Mr Hugh Birt, 61, the club’s photographer who resigned as president of the Boys’ Club in 1986. Mr Birt claimed that, after he became president in 1974, Celtic legend Jock Stein told him he had kicked Torbett out the door. He said the matter was all ”covered up” by Celtic as to why Torbett was put out.

    Mr Birt said that when Torbett returned to the boys club a few years later as a fund raiser the allegations about him started up again. He claimed he took them to Mr Stein, and told Celtic vice chairman Kevin Kelly about them but nothing was ever done. Mr Birt said when he became president of the Celtic Boys’ Club in 1974 the first thing Mr Stein said to him was to ”keep the image of Celtic clean”.


    Jock Stein covered up *** claims to protect his Celtic; Trial told of order from manager.

    Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland); 11/7/1998; McILWRAITH, GORDON

    JOCK Stein and the Celtic board covered up allegations made against Boys’ Club founder Jim Torbett……. Torbett, who is now accused of abusing three boys while he was at the club, was literally kicked out of Parkhead by Stein, a court heard. But when the claims subsequently surfaced, Celtic manager Stein and the directors were anxious to keep the image of the club clean and nothing more was done about them…….

    He said he was asked to be chairman when Torbett was “put out” of the Boys’ Club. Asked who got rid of him, Mr Birt said: “According to Mr Stein, he literally put his foot up his backside and kicked him out. It was all covered up by Celtic as to why.”……..

    He (Birt) told how he took the allegations against Torbett to the Celtic board and Stein and even told the then vice-chairman, Kevin Kelly, about them at a meeting in his car. He said: “Although there were people who spoke to me I couldn’t go to the police without actual proof of the allegations. When I joined as chairman, I was told by Jock Stein to keep the name of Celtic Football Club clean at all times.”


    Pervert preyed on Celtic Boys

    Daily Record 12/08/1996

    Anna Smith Charles Beaton and Iain Ferguson

    Pervert football boss Jim Torbett terrorised a generation of young Celtic players. The trusted team chief lured innocent lads with promises of the big time. Then the Celtic Boys’ Club supremo molested the babes who idolised him…….

    ……..*** abuse allegations have haunted Celtic Boys’ Club for almost a quarter of a century. A Record investigation has revealed Celtic’s board knew about the rumours 20 years ago."

    Jock Stein clearly knew about the abuse because he was the one who 'literally kicked' Jim Torbett out of the club for it. He then covered the abuse up to protect the club, rather than he children. An absolute disgrace.

    Go on then, tell me what is sh1t? You can lie as much as you like, but it only makes you an apologist.

  2. #342
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    hp, Daddies maybe. The only source great fire uses is the stuff he puts on his chips. It's all made upnonsense to justify his intolerant views.
    All made up nonsense? At least 1400 in Rotherham alone. That is the ones known to the police. Check the internet, there have been cases in towns and cities all over the country. There must be tens of thousands at least.

    It's no surprise though, that rather than attack the perpetrators of the crimes you choose to attack great_fire for his "made up nonsense" and "intolerant beliefs".

    His assertion of hundreds of thousands of victims may well be an educated guess or an exaggeration. Either way, the fact there are so many victims of *****phile Muslim grooming gangs is not made up nonsense.

  3. #343
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by rolymiller View Post
    Just a small but somewhat significant point thete is no such thing as a fascist left.left wing and right wing politics come from 2 totally different traditions. Socialism as inmarxism is to do with control by the proletariat ie the workers. Fascism is rule by a small elite. I always assumed you were a worker so I am surprised you are against party's who would naturally fight for you and your families causes.
    Part of the definitions of fascism are: "forcible suppression of opposition, violent suppression of opposition".

    If you forcibly try to stop someone from speaking on a TV programme they have been invited on to such as Question time or prevent someone from speaking at Oxford University, just because you don't agree with what they are saying, you are displaying fascist behaviour.

    If you physically attack someone who is using their democratic right to protest or speak out against something, just because you don't like what they are saying, that is fascist behaviour. We live in a democracy. It is fascist to prevent people voicing their political opinion just because you don't agree with it.

    I despise George Galloway and everything he stands for. I think he is a repulsive individual and a traitor. However, I absolutely defend his right to speak out and voice his opinion. I think everything he says is usually either b0llocks or lies, or that he is spouting utter sh1t, but I defend his right to say it. If I, or anyone else, tried to forcibly or violently silence him, that would be fascist behaviour.

    So yes, roly, you can get fascist leftists.

  4. #344
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by celticmiller View Post

    Absolutely no bile there, and no sh1t either. If you are going to cast aspersions like that, point out where I have spouted bile? If you are unaware that Celtic fans sing songs and fly flags in support of the IRA, you have never been to Parkhead or a Celtic away game.

    Just in case you're a bit of a plastic Celtic fan, you know, one of your descendants came here during the potato famine, they never went home but you still hold on to those Irish roots so therefore even though you were born in Rotherham you 'support' Celtic, not a club actually based in Ireland, just a club formed by Irish settlers, here's a video of Celtic fans singing 'Up the IRA'. No, not a few of them, not a minority but almost every fan in the stand:


    What about this lot in Manchester all singing, 'Glasgow Celtic IRA'. No, again, not a minority, the VAST MAJORITY of them are there singing it:


    Celtic are a club based in Scotland. Should Scotland ever come under attack from any other nation, our British troops would put their lives on the line to defend Scotland. But this is the way the scumbag Celtic fans treat them, booing, jeering and chanting songs at them such as, "Argentina, Argentina, Argentina" and shouting things like, "Murdering *******s."

    So despite Celtic being a club based in Glasgow, a city defended by British soldiers, the fans of this club sing songs in support of Argentina, a country who invaded British territory.

    Is that enough proof for you that Celtic are a scum club? Is that enough proof that a majority sing the songs not a minority? If not, get yourself to a game.

    As for Big Jock. He absolutely knew that children had been abused at the club by Jim Torbett and he said nothing. He was more interested in protecting the interests of his club than the children, so he swept it under the carpet as he knew how harmful the truth would be for his club.

    Celtic Boys' Club chairman Hugh Birt has claimed that Stein and the Celtic board were aware of and covered up allegations made against Torbett.

    "Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland); 11/13/1998

    FOR MORE than 30 years the shadow of ***ual abuse has hung over Celtic Football Club.

    From the boardroom to the dressing room, it was murmured that Celtic Boys’ Club boss Jim Torbett was molesting young stars.
    To a man, the Celtic board did nothing to expose the pervert and the dreadful scandal.

    Only when Fergus McCann took over as chief executive and started his own investigation was the secrecy broken.
    If ever a story had been hushed up it was this one.

    The shameful silence only helped the man who preyed on the ****age hopefuls, knowing they would be too afraid to reveal the truth……..

    It was a call to Celtic Park by one of them (the victims) that led McCann to conduct his own investigation.

    He was the only Celtic boss ever to take positive action on the matter……… Our special phone line was jammed with calls backing up the claims of Brazil, McCluskey and Gordon. Some of the calls were harrowing – men now in their 30s sobbed as they spoke for the first time of the abuse……… Record team Anna Smith, Iain Ferguson and Charles Beaton were given a Reporter of the Year Award for uncovering the scandal……… Torbett only met justice because a handful of courageous men came forward. John McCluskey said: “He ruined my life. And for every victim who came forward there are five more who still can’t bear to tell their secret.”

    Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland); 11/13/1998

    HUGH Birt’s 25-year crusade has been to unmask perverts like Jim Torbett.

    Today, 12 years after he quit as chairman of Celtic Boys’ Club over the *** abuse cover- up, Hugh is still angry. He is convinced that there are dozens of other Torbett victims suffering in silence. At his home in Bishopbriggs, near Glasgow, Hugh, 65, spoke of Torbett’s “frightening” power over the youngsters.
    He said: “He could make dreams come true – or destroy them………

    ……..Hugh was made chairman of Celtic Boys’ Club after Celtic FC manager Jock Stein kicked out Torbett amid complaints of abuse.
    He said: “Jock said to me to keep its name clean.” ……….

    ………As more parents complained to Hugh about *** abuse, he informed Celtic vice- chairman Kevin Kelly, on advice from Jock Stein.
    He said Kelly, who had just been given a plum job at Torbett’s Trophy Centre, promised to investigate and the claims were reported to the Boys’ Club committee.

    But minutes from that meeting have vanished. Hugh claims he finally quit after a row with Kelly over the abuse claims.


    JOCK Stein, the late manager of Celtic and Scotland, and his board covered up allegations that the founder of Celtic Boys’ Club ***ually abused young players, a court heard yesterday.

    Giving evidence at the trial of James Torbett, Hugh Birt, a former chairman of the boys’ club, said that Stein had kicked the defendant out when rumours began to circulate.

    Mr Birt said: “Stein literally put his foot up his backside.”

    Glasgow Sheriff Court heard that Mr Birt took over as chairman of the boys’ club in 1973 and was told by Stein, who steered Celtic to European Cup victory in 1967, that Celtic’s image must be maintained.

    The cover-up emerged during the evidence of Mr Hugh Birt, 61, the club’s photographer who resigned as president of the Boys’ Club in 1986. Mr Birt claimed that, after he became president in 1974, Celtic legend Jock Stein told him he had kicked Torbett out the door. He said the matter was all ”covered up” by Celtic as to why Torbett was put out.

    Mr Birt said that when Torbett returned to the boys club a few years later as a fund raiser the allegations about him started up again. He claimed he took them to Mr Stein, and told Celtic vice chairman Kevin Kelly about them but nothing was ever done. Mr Birt said when he became president of the Celtic Boys’ Club in 1974 the first thing Mr Stein said to him was to ”keep the image of Celtic clean”.


    Jock Stein covered up *** claims to protect his Celtic; Trial told of order from manager.

    Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland); 11/7/1998; McILWRAITH, GORDON

    JOCK Stein and the Celtic board covered up allegations made against Boys’ Club founder Jim Torbett……. Torbett, who is now accused of abusing three boys while he was at the club, was literally kicked out of Parkhead by Stein, a court heard. But when the claims subsequently surfaced, Celtic manager Stein and the directors were anxious to keep the image of the club clean and nothing more was done about them…….

    He said he was asked to be chairman when Torbett was “put out” of the Boys’ Club. Asked who got rid of him, Mr Birt said: “According to Mr Stein, he literally put his foot up his backside and kicked him out. It was all covered up by Celtic as to why.”……..

    He (Birt) told how he took the allegations against Torbett to the Celtic board and Stein and even told the then vice-chairman, Kevin Kelly, about them at a meeting in his car. He said: “Although there were people who spoke to me I couldn’t go to the police without actual proof of the allegations. When I joined as chairman, I was told by Jock Stein to keep the name of Celtic Football Club clean at all times.”


    Pervert preyed on Celtic Boys

    Daily Record 12/08/1996

    Anna Smith Charles Beaton and Iain Ferguson

    Pervert football boss Jim Torbett terrorised a generation of young Celtic players. The trusted team chief lured innocent lads with promises of the big time. Then the Celtic Boys’ Club supremo molested the babes who idolised him…….

    ……..*** abuse allegations have haunted Celtic Boys’ Club for almost a quarter of a century. A Record investigation has revealed Celtic’s board knew about the rumours 20 years ago."

    Jock Stein clearly knew about the abuse because he was the one who 'literally kicked' Jim Torbett out of the club for it. He then covered the abuse up to protect the club, rather than he children. An absolute disgrace.

    Go on then, tell me what is sh1t? You can lie as much as you like, but it only makes you an apologist.
    Apologies, I forgot to post the Youtube link showing all the Celtic fans booing and being vile to the armed forces of their own country:


  5. #345
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellis_D View Post
    Part of the definitions of fascism are: "forcible suppression of opposition, violent suppression of opposition".

    If you forcibly try to stop someone from speaking on a TV programme they have been invited on to such as Question time or prevent someone from speaking at Oxford University, just because you don't agree with what they are saying, you are displaying fascist behaviour.

    If you physically attack someone who is using their democratic right to protest or speak out against something, just because you don't like what they are saying, that is fascist behaviour. We live in a democracy. It is fascist to prevent people voicing their political opinion just because you don't agree with it.

    I despise George Galloway and everything he stands for. I think he is a repulsive individual and a traitor. However, I absolutely defend his right to speak out and voice his opinion. I think everything he says is usually either b0llocks or lies, or that he is spouting utter sh1t, but I defend his right to say it. If I, or anyone else, tried to forcibly or violently silence him, that would be fascist behaviour.

    So yes, roly, you can get fascist leftists.
    Thank you Ellis ! Just shows how ignorant the lefty apologists are..

  6. #346
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Ellis_D View Post
    All made up nonsense? At least 1400 in Rotherham alone. That is the ones known to the police. Check the internet, there have been cases in towns and cities all over the country. There must be tens of thousands at least.

    It's no surprise though, that rather than attack the perpetrators of the crimes you choose to attack great_fire for his "made up nonsense" and "intolerant beliefs".

    His assertion of hundreds of thousands of victims may well be an educated guess or an exaggeration. Either way, the fact there are so many victims of *****phile Muslim grooming gangs is not made up nonsense.
    Yes you can't argue with that. Also, when labour politicians who have been around for a while come asking for votes in Rotherham you have to ask; were they either covering something up or completely incompetent?

  7. #347
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by harpo88 View Post
    What would you guys like to do or have done about it, practically?
    Deport or behead anyone who supports Islam. Problem solved !

  8. #348
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Turfmoorspirit View Post
    Deport or behead anyone who supports Islam. Problem solved !
    Turf, I agree with you on a lot of things, but I can't agree with you on that statement. I would hope you only made the comment because you have been out drinking, and as it is Bank Holiday weekend, you have got carried away.

    I have said in the past that the only way to prevent Islamic terrorism in this country would be to deport all Muslims even British Muslims. I didn't say it was a workable plan, however. Because of the logistics of rounding up every Muslim, the - understandable - opposition you would get from trying to do so, and the problem of working out where exactly where to send the British Muslims to, this plan would be unworkable. When I have mentioned this before, I was saying, if you had a magic wand, what could you do to stop all Islamic extremism in Britain instantly? Wave the wand, all Muslims are moved to Muslim countries. Problem solved. But that of course, is not possible.

    What I wouldn't want, EVER, is innocent people of any religion, nationality, race, colour or creed to be killed.

    So if you actually meant that, I stand against you. I don't want any innocent people to die. If you were joking or just drunkenly shooting from the hip, then okay. But if you actually mean it, then that does make you as bad as Muslims who say they want to see all non-Muslims killed.

    I am as against Nazism as I am against Islamism. Opposite sides of the same coin.

  9. #349
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Just to say though, Turf, I would definitely deport or behead anyone who supports terrorism.

  10. #350
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Tommy Robinson, in his role as a JOURNALIST went to report on the Britain First rally, He is not, nor have ever been, anything to do with that political party. Yet he is threatened by the police that if he doesn't leave, he will be arrested.

    is this because the leftists who attended to oppose the Britain First demonstration were vocal in asking him to be removed? They would like to quieten and shut down Britain First - a democratic political party. THAT is fascism. They are forcibly preventing journalists from reporting. THAT is fascism.

    Let me guess, roly, still you don't get it?

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