Quote Originally Posted by mikemiller View Post
Blimey, what a climbdown! Scotland and Wales are a bit similar to New Zealand - doesn't seem to be much of a success there either though, possibly a bit better than England (?)

Coming back to my legal point - my friends asked why is somebody was posting fake legal stuff on a FOOTBALL website. The only answer I could give them was ""Er, well -it's Kempo!", to looks of complete bafflement
They also said that a real lawyer would not post case details on a website for the general public to read - like you did.
Some of those cases that you claimed to have been involved with sound very serious, and the sort that a defendant would be using a barrister, so I take it that is your job?
I mentioned the following a couple of days ago

Surely there is one simple answer as to whether Kerr is a lawyer
All he has to do is show his Diploma in Law & Practice by photo image on here [blanking out his real name of course]
If ligit that should put an end to any speculation

Come on Kerr prove yourself.....simples