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Thread: The National Survey

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    [QUOTE=fatshaft;38262939]OK, seriously, they've disregarded the referendum result? How? Did I miss the declaration of independence?[/

    The result of the referendum didn't suit them, they are ignoring the will of the majority and are determined to have another. No one suggested a Declaration of Independence had been made so you missed nothing.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Buc View Post
    For me 10 years time and the YES vote will win .
    Then we can crown princess Nicola to her rightful position ..
    Mrs Krankie won't be around in 10 years, everybody will be sick of her long before then.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochead View Post
    The result of the referendum didn't suit them, they are ignoring the will of the majority and are determined to have another. No one suggested a Declaration of Independence had been made so you missed nothing.
    Oh right, so respecting the will of the people then, but also listening to the large percentage who want to vote again? Having another vote isn't ignoring the majority.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Buc View Post
    Health education is a priority and of course independence Brian

    In education
    Edinburgh was the highest placed university in Scotland can't remember their placing but was certainly high up in the world rankings
    Glasgow was 94th
    St Andrews was 111th
    Aberdeen university was 178th up 188 places in world rankings

    The best rating that Scotland have ever achieved..
    ONS report Scotland best educated in the EU.

    Regards NHS staffing numbers at a record high lowest mortality rates in the UK
    98% of all AE patients seen within 4 hours.

    This year the SNP will pump in an extra £500 million into Scotlands health services and social care.
    That means our health budget will be a record £13 billion there's also an extra 10.600 workers in our NHS a record high.
    There's always more work to be done of course there is.

    But I can tell you the NHS in England is struggling not only at staffing levels but with experienced nurses packing in mostly with early retirement now you and I know you can't buy experience.. with that wards such as neurological are struggling to cope neuro nurses are among the most trained and knowledgeable nurses anywhere in the NHS .

    I know for a fact the SNP will not risk another vote unless they know they will win .
    We also know when we voted them in what they stand for.
    Buc, I read this as a strong argument for the Union and the Barnett formula. Scotland has never had it so good, so what is the motivation to change the status quo?

    My biggest concern if Scotland goes it alone is how will the fantastic social system we currently have be maintained?

    The oil industry has been a big source of employment and tax income for decades, but is in the worst recession since the 1980's. The North Sea may never return to it's pre-2014 levels of activity, or if it does it may take many years. Yet I see no examples of diversification attempts from the Scottish or British Parliaments. Aberdeen has a lot of skilled workers currently unemployed, but what is being done to attract new industry to the city to offer alternative major employment? Look at Houston, they suffered the same recession in the 1980's, but reacted by diversifying. The city, despite being a major oil city, is not reliant solely on the oil industry. Houston diversified and has major medical, pharmaceutical and construction industries. Don't get me wrong, Houston has been badly impacted by the oil downturn, it would be foolish to imply otherwise. But it has not been as crippling as the recession impact on Aberdeen.

    Before any independence vote, I would like the SNP to explain how they will manage the economy and funding of the social system? This is something they failed miserably at before the last vote, basing their numbers on unsustainable oil prices. Will we even have a social system that resembles the one we have today in an independent Scotland?

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by fatshaft View Post
    Oh right, so respecting the will of the people then, but also listening to the large percentage who want to vote again? Having another vote isn't ignoring the majority.
    The decision has been made. You are saying a large majority want another vote, I can't prove or disprove what you say although I do believe that the SNP would have already made definite moves if they were so certain. What would happen if we voted to separate tomorrow then two years down the line the majority thought, hold on, we have made a mistake let's have another vote to rejoin the UK, then maybe another two years on, wait a minute, we were better off on our own let's have another vote.
    Buc thinks separation may come in ten years time (going by his queen nic comment) that may be the case, but at least a decent amount of time will have lapsed between the two votes.
    The SNP must for the stability of the country put their obsession aside and to concentrate on what they were elected to do, put all their efforts into managing the country. Sadly I doubt that will happen as all else is secondary to their one political aim.

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochead View Post
    You are saying a large majority want another vote
    Nope. A large percentage

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by fatshaft View Post
    Nope. A large percentage
    My apologies, I did not mean to misquote. Do you mean that there is a greater than 50% of the electorate want another vote?

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Rochead View Post
    My apologies, I did not mean to misquote. Do you mean that there is a greater than 50% of the electorate want another vote?
    I don't know, it's close to it, depending on which polls you read 45-55% would have a second vote tomorrow.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by fatshaft View Post
    I don't know, it's close to it, depending on which polls you read 45-55% would have a second vote tomorrow.
    That figure wouldn't surprise me as 45% of the votes cast were in favour of separation. I believe Salmond said at the time that should be it for a generation. People will always find an argument to have another vote, that was the point I was trying to make in my previous post, the losers will always want to have a bash at getting the result reversed.
    The SNP government called for a referendum, we had it, they lost, move on.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    The circumstances since the last vote have changed a fair bit. There's probably a significant amount of No voters who didn't get what they voted for either.

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