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Thread: OT: Old Mrs. May's fudge shoppe

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by i961pie View Post
    Can't see that happening he as to many enemies.
    Talking of his enemies somehow Michael Gove, one of slimiest back-stabbing turds ever to enter politics, is among the favourites to be next Tory Leader. It's hard to see how Theresa May can survive this debacle, but some of the names touted as her replacement are scary. TheBlackHorse has constantly told me the Tories have been playing a cool hand in the Brexit negotiations and it will all end with us securing a very good deal. I can't wait to hear his positive spin on this disaster!

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by the_anticlough View Post
    Starmar seems to be doing a fine job today as he always does. Corbyn delegates very well!
    But this continues to be about the tories and their attempt to screw the country, failing miserably, and screwing the country in a diferent way anyway - but hopefully themselves as well in the process.
    Glad to see the back of the lazy, incompetent DD. He should have gone for the impact assessment saga alone.

    There are impact assessments
    Errrrr there are no impact assessments
    Well, errr, there are but they're difficult, you know
    No, there aren't any actually
    Err there are but they're wrong anyway. I don't believe them myself
    There aren't any, but those there are we'll redact and release
    That OK for you?

    What a useless tosser and complete hypocrite. Good riddance
    Your last sentence could describe the majority of politicians.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Bohinen View Post
    I'll settle for him just causing chaos. How do you get that eating popcorn emoji?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    ... well Snobhead 1, thanks for your invitation to enter your tight little circle of sycophants. 1. T May has to go; she's unworthy to lead the Conservative Party, albeit it's a nest of vipers. 2. The corrupt EU will not agree to a deal unless the continental establishment get real and recognise it's all about the money and not their socialist control policy. 3. We should withdraw the 40bn offer and go for WTO rules (average overall cost +/- 4% not the stupid figures Project Fear would have us believe) and negotiate our own deals without interference from Merkel & Co.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Elite_Pie View Post
    Talking of his enemies somehow Michael Gove, one of slimiest back-stabbing turds ever to enter politics, is among the favourites to be next Tory Leader. It's hard to see how Theresa May can survive this debacle, but some of the names touted as her replacement are scary. TheBlackHorse has constantly told me the Tories have been playing a cool hand in the Brexit negotiations and it will all end with us securing a very good deal. I can't wait to hear his positive spin on this disaster!
    I'm just looking forward to the steaming turd that is Brexit being served to the nation by a staunch Brexiteer, be that Gove or Johnson.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ncfcog View Post
    Boris has bided his time, let may make a complete fcuk up of things and will now swoop in with a leadership challenge, save the tory party, Brexit and the country to boot! GOD SAVE BOJO!
    and it'll be under his leadership that we win the World Cup - yea, bring it on

    You know, I'm a Brexiteer. Cameron got my vote in part because he promised a referendum. We got a referendum and a result (ok narrow but a result). I didn't vote for a fluck up by May who just about lost her election and the subsequent muddled leadership (well we could have seen that coming). Good job none of these were around at the beginning of WWII - we'd just have given the Nazis the keys waving the famous white flag. I'm disgusted at what this country has become and where it's going. Why oh why did I return here

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by drillerpie View Post
    I'm just looking forward to the steaming turd that is Brexit being served to the nation by a staunch Brexiteer, be that Gove or Johnson.
    Had a long kip, and woke up to find B. de Pfeffel Johnson has resigned too.
    He even screwed up the timing of this! After a speech to cabinet saying he would back May and after letting Davis lead the way. A useless tub of lard.

    As for the new Brexit minister, he's best known for campaigning against EU labour law. Wanting to scrap the 48 hours law and scrap the minimum wage, so we can all work longer for less. Just another swivel-eyed psycho

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Airborn Pie View Post
    Boris has quit at last, leaving a group of foreign Ministers that are waiting for him to host a meeting, in the lurch, apparently, they're not happy with how he's done this.
    Yes, typically selfish, classless way to resign - dumping his commitments without warning and going missing.
    At least Davis faced up with interviews from the early morning

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    The BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg says Boris Johnson’s resignation may be followed by others.
    A well-connected source has just told me that it could be more serious than that.

    They told me it is a concerted push to force the prime minister to drop her Chequers’ compromise.

    They said: “If she doesn’t drop Chequers there will be another, then another, then another, then another”.

    Seems plausible. She wouldn't drop it, she'd stand and fight. I think she's had enough of her job (and we've had enough of her) so nothing to lose for her

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by TheBlackHorse View Post
    ... well Snobhead 1, thanks for your invitation to enter your tight little circle of sycophants. 1. T May has to go; she's unworthy to lead the Conservative Party, albeit it's a nest of vipers.
    Really? I thought you told me the Tories were handling Brexit negotiations very cleverly, and by refusing to reveal their hand early were putting pressure on the EU which would force them to crumble in the end. I must have missed the "nest of vipers" bit!

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