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Thread: Aftermatch celebrations

  1. #1

    Aftermatch celebrations

    Just watching Man City team celebrate on the pitch.

    Got to be honest I have never hung around for all the scripted euphoria. Sure I have seen Millers lift the odd trophy but for me they go on way to long and lack individuality. Always ' we are the champions ' and ' sweet Caroline'

    Apart from the joy at the final whistle does all the rest of this tosh bore the a rse off you?
    Last edited by CAMiller; 20-05-2024 at 03:51 PM.

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by the_idiotb_stardson View Post
    Just watching Man City team celebrate on the pitch.

    Got to be honest I have never hung around for all the scripted euphoria. Sure I have seen Millers lift the odd trophy but for me they go on way to long and lack individuality. Always ' we are the champions ' and ' sweet Caroline'

    Apart from the joy at the final whistle does all the rest of this tosh bore the a rse off you?
    Agree the song and dance for Klopp is unreal,and he,s lapping it up,think he had just prevented World War 3 not leaving a football club,cringworthy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I've seen some dross at NYS this season, but I would gladly watch it as opposed to the boring, clinical snooze-fest that Man City serve up week in week out. Foden's opener was impressive, West Ham's goal was sensational; apart from that, it was as dull as dishwater!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by GlennMiller View Post
    I've seen some dross at NYS this season, but I would gladly watch it as opposed to the boring, clinical snooze-fest that Man City serve up week in week out. Foden's opener was impressive, West Ham's goal was sensational; apart from that, it was as dull as dishwater!!
    Staged managed doesn't come into it.This time next year ''we'll'' be doing it all over again...............just like when the circus used to come to town!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2019
    Quote Originally Posted by stodgy88 View Post
    Agree the song and dance for Klopp is unreal,and he,s lapping it up,think he had just prevented World War 3 not leaving a football club,cringworthy.
    I've said it before and I'll say it again.........thousands of socialists emotionally laying bare to multi millionaires to pay homage and worship at the Master's feet! They don't even recognise their own hypocrisy because if Klopp had earn't his millions selling villas in Marbella they'd begrudge him every penny!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Yes I loved the Album, one of my favourite Stones Albums.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Lolmorgan View Post
    Yes I loved the Album, one of my favourite Stones Albums.
    We might need emotional rescue now we've left the beggar's banquet of the championship

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2023
    Agreed. Hate all the contrived post- trophy winning antics. Everyone walking past the cup until the captain gets there. The waving of the hands, The set up stage, Queen music.
    It's like they think fans can't celebrate for themselves. Put the captain on your shoulders and run round like the 1960's. Then disappear into town for a massive booze-up.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    You are on the wrong track….the real OTT is running to the corner flag after every goal, and total a waste of time. That does bore the pants off and should be banned.

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