Quote Originally Posted by stewarty27 View Post
So where do you get your info from Noah ?? The Daily Mail ? Expres? BBC ? The Tories and the British establishment ? have you ever once considered it may be them that's bullsh1ting you ? or do you think they are tell you the undeniable truth !! ?. you totally rubbish any alternative view but are happy to take the Daily Mail et al seriously !!!

The Yes/Indy movement are NOT the SNP although the SNP are the driving force. Your blind hatred for one political party had totally closed your mind. You can still hate the SNP and want Independence its OK !! there are thousands in that position

The Yes side did over concentrate on Oil in the last referendum. When they should have promoted Scotlands diversity which is on a par with rUK when oil/gas is excluded. So looking it like that Oil and Gas is indeed something extra.

What ever you think of the SNP record in its governance of Scotland it seems the people trust them or they would not have elected them for the last nine years. And they have done this with very limited powers we sent 56 MPs to WM. Again it seems obvious your problem lies with the SNP and not Independence per say. Please remember the SNP are only viable the vehicle to get us there a means to an end.

The UKs main argument is we are really not equipped in any way to go it alone thats a feckin insult to you and me Noah and the people of Scotland !

And finally do you really think its in Scotlands best interests to be ruled by another country with a totally different set of values and priorities ? Or perhaps we're really too stupid and wee and so feckin usless to look after ourselves. I don't and never will accept that.
Too true Stewarty,Most of the Independence supporters I know don't think everything the S.N.P do is wonderful,they done some good things and some not so good things.As for blaming Wastemonster for everything just listened to Theresa May's speech she made at the Tory Conference and if she actually delivers what she says she is going to do I'll be the first to take my hat off to her,but can she really take on the big Companies who at the end of the day put zillions in to the Tory Party I have my doubts.See Noah,we don't all play follow my leader.Stereotyping all Independence supporters is like blaming all comedians for Michael McIntyre.