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Thread: OT - Boris Johnson and the Freedom of Speech

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    Tricky...as ever you are spouting your usual one eyed nonsense in a thinly disguised anti Muslim rant.
    So...why just single out Muhammad in the area of what are now, quite rightly, considered to be inappropriate relationships?
    What about Richard II for instance who took Isabella of Valois as his wife at the age of 6 I believe? Like your own example...historically irrelevant I agree, but let’s look at more recent white western icons...Elvis Presley, Jerry Lee Lewis or Bill Wyman for example, who all displayed a staggering penchant for under age young girls...and what does that tell us about modern day western beliefs? Absolutely nothing.
    As for rejecting Islam because it includes a belief in the ‘supreme being’, what about the Bible which states very clearly (Exodus 20:3) that God commands ‘You shall have no other God than me’? How far removed is that from suggesting a belief in Allah as a supreme being?

    1. Why single out Muhammad and inappropriate relationships? Well because it goes on through that book to this very day. It may be hard to hide a child bride in this country, but the belief of what is acceptable is in many forms world wide. The same way as FGM is acceptable to huge amount.

    2. Isabella, yep you conveniently pluck a practice from 600 years ago, which I have to say is long dead in western culture. It was also a marriage of convenience due to the 100 years war. Of course Islam doesn't still live 600 years in the past does it? lol

    3. EP, JLL, BW ARE AND WERE PEDO'S.!!!! They should have been locked up and the key thrown away. Chuck MJ into that category as well.
    I'm sure Christianity/Buddhism/Hinduism/Judism didn't force them into it either.

    4. You choose to quote Exodus? LOLOLOLOL
    If it had escaped you, the Bible comes as two books. Old and New Testament.

    Muhammads opposite was Jesus Christ. Last time I looked, JC wasn't slaughtering anyone, conquering lands nor taking child brides.
    Neither were nor are his teachings telling anyone to take non believers of Christianity as slaves and war trophies.
    This happens today in Mosque teachings in this country. FACT!

    So you can deny what you want. Those Pakistani descended muslims, targeted white under age girls. Not Muslim girls, plied them with drink and drugs and passed them around like *** toys.
    Have any of their wives or family condemned them or divorced them? NO.
    It's been going on for years, by the same religious group and when challenged nothing was done.
    This last line sums it all up.

    Now I'll ask again, why did the Government/Police/Social services fail to do anything about it, when they had known for years?
    TR gets lifted from in front of a court and within HOURS!!! Is behind bars.

    You wonder why folks are suspicious/irate/sick of it all?

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by ramAnag View Post
    MA, with you being one of the more reasonable on here I’m genuinely confused. On the one hand you suggest TR was stitched up, a few lines later you suggest he will be found guilty again and ‘quite rightly too’. Which do you agree with? If he was ‘stitched up’ - which imo he wasn’t - how can you applaud his being found guilty again?

    He broke the Law. He was arrested for it but the trial happened less than 5 hours after his arrest. He was given a lawyer he didn't want, he wanted his own. The judge apparently didnt take any evidence fro Yaxley-Lennon. He also said he hadn't spent much time reading the charges nor had he watched the content of the video and the prosecution didnt have the video shown to identify which part of it was in contempt of court.

    The way it all happened was a stitch up. This time we will hopefully see the evidence properly presented. So more the way it was done than that he was arrested........ if you see the difference, if I have explained it better this time.

  3. #83
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    Jun 2016
    I didn’t ‘conveniently pluck a practice from 600 years ago’ at all. I chose one of many examples which I also described as historically irrelevant. In case it’s escaped your notice the Quran was written rather longer ago than a mere six hundred years.

    So ‘EP, JLL, MJ and BW ARE AND WERE PEDO’s’. Really? Actually they aren’t/weren’t, they were obsessed with under age virgins not pre-pubescent children which is the definition of a *****phile. At least know what the terminology you use actually means and while I may share your condemnation of such behaviour a great many white westerners appear to hold them in the same high esteem regardless.

    What am I ‘denying’? I 100% condemn grooming gangs. I also 100% condemn those members of the establishment who tried to cover up what was happening, all too often in the name of political correctness. I just happen to have what I suspect to be a greater professional awareness of the realities of what was going on and I don’t have to rely on a six year old video clip to substantiate my point. Much has changed in that time Tricky, there were, and probably still are some Muslim abusers...likewise there were, and probably still are, abusers within the Catholic community and the higher echelons of the establishment, but you, in your inimitable and obsessive way, will only concentrate on one of those groups. Wonder why?

    Finally, if you’re genuinely concerned about the ***ual abuse/exploitation of young people you might wish to concentrate on what’s happened to the Westminster Pa edophile dossier rather than repetitively attacking your usual whipping boys.
    Last edited by ramAnag; 14-08-2018 at 07:15 PM.

  4. #84
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    Jan 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by ramAnag View Post
    I didn’t ‘conveniently pluck a practice from 600 years ago’ at all. I chose one of many examples which I also described as historically irrelevant. In case it’s escaped your notice the Quran was written rather longer ago than a mere six hundred years.

    So ‘EP, JLL, MJ and BW ARE AND WERE PEDO’s’. Really? Actually they aren’t/weren’t, they were obsessed with under age virgins not pre-pubescent children which is the definition of a *****phile. At least know what the terminology you use actually means and while I may share your condemnation of such behaviour a great many white westerners appear to hold them in the same high esteem regardless.

    What am I ‘denying’? I 100% condemn grooming gangs. I also 100% condemn those members of the establishment who tried to cover up what was happening, all too often in the name of political correctness. I just happen to have what I suspect to be a greater professional awareness of the realities of what was going on and I don’t have to rely on a six year old video clip to substantiate my point. Much has changed in that time Tricky, there were, and probably still are some Muslim abusers...likewise there were, and probably still are, abusers within the Catholic community and the higher echelons of the establishment, but you, in your inimitable and obsessive way, will only concentrate on one of those groups. Wonder why?

    Finally, if you’re genuinely concerned about the ***ual abuse/exploitation of young people you might wish to concentrate on what’s happened to the Westminster Pa edophile dossier rather than repetitively attacking your usual whipping boys.
    Of course I know how long ago the Qu'ran was written.
    The point which escapes you, is that the bible in both forms was used as a method of control, just like the Qu'ran is.
    That was hundreds of years ago and western society separated politics from religion, as a guiding rule of thumb.
    Islam is seen as the only laws man must follow, as the teachings tell them, all mans laws are to be ignored except he rule of God.
    In essence, Sharia law.
    Now you may not be aware of this, but for a modern culture. Four in ten Muslims want Sharia law in the UK. Half want homo***uality out lawed.

    This is the situation now. Look at the crimes being committed under these teachings. What will it be like in another 50 years?
    The point which you are avoiding, as you have a dislike of Yaxley Lennon.
    Is that every citizen in this country has a right of fair treatment under UK law. Even your beloved EU is supposed to promote that.
    He should have been arrested for the right reasons and treated the same as everyone else. He wasn't. He was in prison in less than 5 hours.
    There is a reason for that, it is called gagging.

    So the question remains. Why does the powers that be(government/Police/Social) hush things up and ignore crimes right under our noses, under the fear of being branded a racist?
    Are we going down the Sweden model?
    Sweden is imploding with this Liberal "lets hug and love" everyone attitude, when not asking questions. Elections soon in Sweden, lets see what the public think of it there.
    Unfortunately, like Germany/Italy/France coalition governments rule, so even the majority miss out.

    This is fun.


  5. #85
    Join Date
    May 2018
    " Now you may not be aware of this, but for a modern culture. Four in ten Muslims want Sharia law in the UK. Half want homo***uality out lawed."

    Seems like the far right may have more in common with the Moslems than they think then - both want to persecute homo***uality. There is an unholy alliance for you.

    It is indeed strange that the Moslems and the far right actually have much in common in their rather intolerant views on anyone deviating from societal norm. Most of the more extreme elements of Islam would fit in very nicely in the Nazi party, sharing many similar views. Thank **** thy havent got together and joined forces.

  6. #86
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff Parkstone View Post
    " Now you may not be aware of this, but for a modern culture. Four in ten Muslims want Sharia law in the UK. Half want homo***uality out lawed."

    Seems like the far right may have more in common with the Moslems than they think then - both want to persecute homo***uality. There is an unholy alliance for you.

    It is indeed strange that the Moslems and the far right actually have much in common in their rather intolerant views on anyone deviating from societal norm. Most of the more extreme elements of Islam would fit in very nicely in the Nazi party, sharing many similar views. Thank **** thy havent got together and joined forces.
    Maybe but Islam should be treated with respect.

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds View Post
    Of course I know how long ago the Qu'ran was written.
    The point which escapes you, is that the bible in both forms was used as a method of control, just like the Qu'ran is.
    That was hundreds of years ago and western society separated politics from religion, as a guiding rule of thumb.
    Islam is seen as the only laws man must follow, as the teachings tell them, all mans laws are to be ignored except he rule of God.
    In essence, Sharia law.
    Now you may not be aware of this, but for a modern culture. Four in ten Muslims want Sharia law in the UK. Half want homo***uality out lawed.

    This is the situation now. Look at the crimes being committed under these teachings. What will it be like in another 50 years?
    The point which you are avoiding, as you have a dislike of Yaxley Lennon.
    Is that every citizen in this country has a right of fair treatment under UK law. Even your beloved EU is supposed to promote that.
    He should have been arrested for the right reasons and treated the same as everyone else. He wasn't. He was in prison in less than 5 hours.
    There is a reason for that, it is called gagging.

    So the question remains. Why does the powers that be(government/Police/Social) hush things up and ignore crimes right under our noses, under the fear of being branded a racist?
    Are we going down the Sweden model?
    Sweden is imploding with this Liberal "lets hug and love" everyone attitude, when not asking questions. Elections soon in Sweden, lets see what the public think of it there.
    Unfortunately, like Germany/Italy/France coalition governments rule, so even the majority miss out.

    This is fun.

    I agree Tricky - step back in amazement! - pretty much all religion came into being as a means of social control and in many ways remains that way. I actually have little time for any of them I just don’t see any huge difference between the teachings of Islam and the teachings of other major religions. Think we’d be better off without any of them tbh, but then I neither need religion in my life or share any aspects of your ‘agenda’.

    It’s not a question of disliking Yaxley-Lennon/Robinson or whatever he calls himself. I don’t know him - thankfully - but yes I abhor everything he and his followers stand for and even if you have the tiniest degree of time for what he says - I don’t - one look at his tweets should leave you in no doubt about him being an overtly racist bully boy. Perhaps that appeals to you...personally I think he and the EDL are things we would all be better off without.

    Oddly your ‘figures’ about Muslim beliefs as regards homo***uality would probably be replicated in many sections of traditional British society. I’d guess that at least 40% of Mail and Express readers would want the same and a much higher percentage would welcome the return of the death penalty and quite possibly chopping the hands off thieves, especially Pakistani ones. It is a paradox that Parky hints at, whereby hard core Muslims and Jews are actually far closer to the extreme right than any other part of the political spectrum and indeed it seems perfectly reasonable to describe extreme Muslims and Zionists as fascist in outlook. The irony does not escape me.

    On the other hand, if the figure is - as you say - 40%, that clearly means that 60% of Muslims don’t subscribe to the views you describe. So, by your own argument, a significant majority of those who refer to themselves as Muslim don’t actually want Sharia law or the outlawing of homo***uality. Maybe we should build on that...educate both the Muslim extremists along with the Mail, Sun and Express readers rather than alienating them and deepening the divide as the likes of you and Yaxley Lennon seem to wish to do.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    2) Lots of ‘research’ or investigation has gone on into Rotherham and Rochdale. Most of the perpetrators were ‘Muslim’ and of Pakistani, origin and most of the victims were the children of poor and very inadequate white parents. I claim no sort of expertise as far as the Quran is concerned but I’d be amazed if it ever advocates the ***ual abuse of children. Where and how are such actions ‘mandated’ as you suggest?

    Funny that because all the news reports I heard described the culprits as Asian and not Pakistani. Why don't they say when a Brit commits a crime he is European?

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff Parkstone View Post
    " Now you may not be aware of this, but for a modern culture. Four in ten Muslims want Sharia law in the UK. Half want homo***uality out lawed."

    Seems like the far right may have more in common with the Moslems than they think then - both want to persecute homo***uality. There is an unholy alliance for you.

    It is indeed strange that the Moslems and the far right actually have much in common in their rather intolerant views on anyone deviating from societal norm. Most of the more extreme elements of Islam would fit in very nicely in the Nazi party, sharing many similar views. Thank **** thy havent got together and joined forces.
    Just a footnote to that figure, Geoff Parkstone. A breathtaking seven in ten UK muslims admit they wouldn't inform the police if they knew that a terror attack was being planned. This means that if they hadn't been so loyal to those responsible then the lives of innocent kids at a pop concert might well have been spared. Heartbreaking but this is what we're up against.

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Jun 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by GUNTERYY36 View Post
    Just a footnote to that figure, Geoff Parkstone. A breathtaking seven in ten UK muslims admit they wouldn't inform the police if they knew that a terror attack was being planned. This means that if they hadn't been so loyal to those responsible then the lives of innocent kids at a pop concert might well have been spared. Heartbreaking but this is what we're up against.
    And this ‘breathtaking’ figure comes from where? The Tommy Robinson little book of make believe?
    We try to provide evidence for our figures on here Gunteryy. Personally I find the suggestion that 70% of UK Muslims would not report an intended terror attack as offensive as it is unbelievable.
    Terror attacks are largely indiscriminate, Muslims die and get injured too you know, so do please explain...where did you get this 70% figure from and how do you know ‘this is what we’re up against’?

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