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Thread: Freedom from the EU soon?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Freedom from the EU soon?

    Looks like dippy Dave is losing his fight. Junckers 87 looks to be getting his way. This is brilliant news, as for me the more Europe gets in bed together, the faster our withdrawal can happen.
    No more freebie rides
    No more free entry by the dregs of europe
    Laws returned
    Human rights, ripped up- (look up the toe rag running a credit card fraud, whilst working for Royal Mail)
    Terrorists/rapists/murderers/fraudsters all denied and booted out.

    My parents voted for a Common Market, not this Communist based society. You can vote for whoever you want and we'll TELL you who's leader.

    We pay in more than our fair share, ENOUGH!
    Close them borders, then look at the enemy within,
    Time for change. Not just the country's ruling, but politicians themselves. They've all FAILED MISERABLY.

    As an afterthought, I have found it hilarious watching Camerloon trying to get Merkel on his side.

    David, let me help you.
    Merkel was a member of the free german youth and ex east German soldier
    Junckers father

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: Freedom from the EU soon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds

    My parents voted for a Common Market,
    Damn, has Mom been telling you tales from the past again?

    They reason we voted for the Common Market then was so we could give you away to gypsies!

    Looks like we failed on both counts!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: Freedom from the EU soon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Romanis

    My parents voted for a Common Market,
    Damn, has Mom been telling you tales from the past again?

    They reason we voted for the Common Market then was so we could give you away to gypsies!

    Looks like we failed on both counts! [/quote]

    So you wanted to give me away to travellers?
    Says him that lives the other side of the world in a rice field, next to Gary Glitters old house.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: Freedom from the EU soon?

    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds

    My parents voted for a Common Market,
    Damn, has Mom been telling you tales from the past again?

    They reason we voted for the Common Market then was so we could give you away to gypsies!

    Looks like we failed on both counts! [/quote]

    So you wanted to give me away to travellers?
    Says him that lives the other side of the world in a rice field, next to Gary Glitters old house.[/quote]

    All that glitters ain't gold that's for sure.

    Anyway back to this EU thing, it was really a catch 22 for the UK back then.

    Had Britain stayed out, she would have faced rather dire economic prospects. Join but face the rubbish that now is happening.

    The problem really I feel was that Britain in the 90s didn't take a stand, I think Major and Blair were all too eager to make Britain popular in Europe.

    Little did they realise that Shroede

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: Freedom from the EU soon?

    Rubbish. We was all duped. Heath sold Europe to us under the guise of the common market, not the United States of Europe. Free trade not political rule. De Guelle even blocked Britains entry, afraid of American influence.
    The trade threat was merely that, a threat.
    Other countries don't want to be in the EU and do fine. If the big 5 only was the unison, I would endorse. But an un democratic establishment, bent on expansion sucking in 3rd rate countries, has disaster written all over it.
    Is the EU any good? Well they've made a hash of the economies of Greece,Spain,Portugal,Italy. Wait till these eastern bloc countries go tits up. We'll be expected to bail them out. I thank god we didn't enter the Euro currency.
    However, our economy and foolish handouts drags them in from all over.
    Services buckling
    Housing collapse
    Schools bursting.
    Many schools now have English as the minority language, if at all. How can you teach in that environment?
    I read with interest the Post story of the mother

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    re: Freedom from the EU soon?

    Lets enter a grass growing contest, hopefully things might get more interesting fellas only joking chaps, i agree with all you say guys keep it up

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