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Thread: A Scottish yes...

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: A Scottish yes...

    No need to get personal Basie.

    I disagree with TTR's political views as well but I can understand his concerns.

    The UK must I agree be more concerned with the issues facing the ordinary folks and ensure they are protected.

    Anyway on another issue we can see how problematic it is when you change the voting system like what the Lib-Dems want. Alex Salmond would struggle in the first past the post system but preferential voting has put him in a position of power.

    Most Scots I meet here think he's a fool. He may be 1 but he's smart enough to say and do things that people want to hear and that's the danger.

    I think the 1 question the Scottish voters must consider is whether they truly believe Alex Salmond as PM is the correct man to lead an independent nation.

    I find the thought frightening.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Romanis
    I am sorry but I think both your arguments are flawed. There's little desire in the UK to remove Scotland, so this issue is non-existent.

    This is a more like Quebec in 1980 and 1995, where the people of a state decided their own destiny. You can look at East Timor as another example.

    Now do I think it fair or wise that the voting age is lowered and Scots living abroad be excluded? Well probably yes but at the end of the day this is an issue for the people of Scotland and no one else to decide.

    Anyway TTR deems my views on the composition or make of HM's Govt is irrelevant given I am not a voter, therefore it must follow that his views on how the Scots decide are to be given the same short shrift.

    And with that Mr Speaker, my case is made and I beg to move.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Why good riddance, I'll still be friends with the Scots. You don't have to get uppity because you can't control and dictate to people. I thought you would have learn't that after your several marriages. It's called Freedom and freedom from excessive market forces created by the rich for the benefit of the rich is also very important for me and also for the Scots.[/quote]

    This one post, sums up my opinion on you Basie, because you cannot get simple facts right when you are assassinating someone.
    Please supply the evidence to my "several failed marriages".

    Not only are you a liar, but you are an idiot. It's statements like that, that begin all the arguments in here.
    For your info, I have been married once. I was married for 23 years, out of 30.
    Grade one knob head.

    Yes Romans, I know I'm being personal. But this plank cannot go 5 minutes without throwing one in there. Had he been in my local, he'd have gone through the window for that.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: A Scottish yes...

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds
    If the Scots saw that, then it would mean more votes for the Yes campaign. When will you learn that type of insult only puts people's backs up, as does accusations of dementia directed against a certain class of people when you have no proof to substantiate what you say.:/

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Romanis
    No wonder the Scottish Yes is accelerating towards a successful conclusion when they see a brain dead No Vote depending on the daily tabloids for their opinions.C'mon Tricky you can do better than that.
    What are you on about? The green party, in order to fulfill it's agenda will need a boat load of cash. That means taxes.
    Most of it is a fanciful dream anyway. Even europe has turned it's ideas into a money pit.
    Always made me laugh when the bright sparks came up with wood burning power stations. Brilliant they said, much greener. Idiots forgot to factor in the carbon footprint of felling, processing and transporting these splinters half way round the world.

    Give them their independence they'll fail.
    No pound
    No guarantees
    No Nato
    No bailouts

    We all know what a dogs dinner the RBS made of finance.
    Give them 10 years and they'll be a

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Don't be daft. 1 poster made on a club footy forum is going to affect the way people vote? Do you realise how many thousands of people from both sides of the border have been posting stuff about each other, be it humour or insult?

    Anyway if a Scottish voter is going to decide such an important issue on the basis of posters/memes etc, then there's something terribly wrong with them.

    Finally you take offense when people mention age in a negative way even if it's just humour, then you go on to mock others for whatever reason. It cuts both ways. If you cannot take then you should not give.

    I already told you when you were readmitted, if you don't like what someone posts or does, ignore it or him. But once you start with an insult or mockery, you cannot complain when the response comes in a way you don't like.

    The board and its posters is what it is, you gotta accept it, even if it's not to your liking. Indeed some of the stuff TTR does is dumb, but I don't detect a malice in them

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by RedBasie
    If the Scots saw that, then it would mean more votes for the Yes campaign. When will you learn that type of insult only puts people's backs up, as does accusations of dementia directed against a certain class of people when you have no proof to substantiate what you say.:/[/quote]

    Don't play the innocent Basie. You are the king of snide jibes. I am still awaiting the evidence of your last poke in my ribs.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Maybe TTR, you were right for once. - view external link

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    re: A Scottish yes...

    Quote Originally Posted by Trickytreesreds
    If the Scots saw that, then it would mean more votes for the Yes campaign. When will you learn that type of insult only puts people's backs up, as does accusations of dementia directed against a certain class of people when you have no proof to substantiate what you say.:/[/quote]

    Don't play the innocent Basie. You are the king of snide jibes. I am still awaiting the evidence of your last poke in my ribs.[/quote]

    Obviously a chicken or egg situation. Who started it and who responded ?

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