My wife decided to pay the the extortionate Sky prices to watch this fight. £20.

I did enjoy it and thought it was a great fight in parts. I also thought the pikey Tyson,, was right saying Vlad was a one trick pony. However overall I did think Vlad was the better fighter despite losing in a TKO. He dominated and stuck to his game plan. Josh was unable to get past the reach of Vlads left.

Josh has a haymaker right upercut which saw off his opponent but I can't help feel that he would have been battered v a younger Vlad.

Josh said to be young at 27? He ought to be at the top of his game. I thought Vlad made Josh look like a novice for most part and Vlads one trick nearly paid off but fair play to Josh for coming back from the dead.

I don't think Josh is the class act Bellows was bellowing about, the gibbering pudlian that he is.

Josh is now calling for Tyson . . .

I can't see any class - I want to but can't.

What did you make of it Laz?

I know we agree that the lady who sung the National Anthem was true quality.