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Thread: Kari Arnason

  1. #141
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Jackjarvis View Post
    Well done Kendo, 94 I reckon when I bought shares to try and assist the club, sadly there are a couple of phannies on here that think that because we own shares(worth hee haw) that we would look down on them, insecurity can be a b@gger I suppose, regardless, roll on next season with our Deek running the show.

    I'm waiting on the day Abramovitch, some Saudis or the Glazers Mount a hostile takeover of AFC and my single share becomes worth a sizeable number, then my commitment to the cause will be tested.......

  2. #142
    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by InversneckieDob View Post
    I'm waiting on the day Abramovitch, some Saudis or the Glazers Mount a hostile takeover of AFC and my single share becomes worth a sizeable number, then my commitment to the cause will be tested.......
    You would never sell bud, I paid £1100 for mine and they are probably worth £11 now......solid investment, but by f@ck you get an affa fine cup of tea and a funcy piece at the agm, anyway, back to Kari......nah, back to golf, your good chum Roser has kindly agreed to be chauffeur today.....with this, must dash and head up the hill for ma morning pre RA.


  3. #143
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by InversneckieDob View Post
    I'm waiting on the day Abramovitch, some Saudis or the Glazers Mount a hostile takeover of AFC and my single share becomes worth a sizeable number, then my commitment to the cause will be tested.......
    I would never have had you pegged as one for buying & selling shares. Has Thatcher influenced other areas of your life?

  4. #144
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Mason89 View Post
    I would never have had you pegged as one for buying & selling shares. Has Thatcher influenced other areas of your life?
    Nobody sells their A.F.C. shares. When was this shares issue ? Late 80`s early 90s ?

    Pretty sure anyone and everyone who bought them saw it as another way to support and help the Club ?

    My Father bought some, while telling me they were worthless. But just nice to have and somehow " be involved " This DNA thing seems like an even easier way for the Club to get some funding. As with Shareholders you get some awkward old sod turining up at the AGM with an axe to grind !!

    So, was your shares jibe at Sneck in jest, or a genuine sneer ?

    ( Again without us all typing any humour in another typeface font, it`s hard to tell !! )

  5. #145
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    In jest. I’m pretty sure he’d hunt me down & kill me like a dog if he thought I meant it

  6. #146
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by neilthedon View Post
    Nobody sells their A.F.C. shares. When was this shares issue ? Late 80`s early 90s ?

    Pretty sure anyone and everyone who bought them saw it as another way to support and help the Club ?
    1995, after the near disaster that was 94-95. I was offering my 2 cents in sweary Red Final rants at the time, and when we published the 'Never Again' volume chronicling the utter **** that the season had been, it sold like Gartly's sliders at a scorching Keith Show.

    Everyone who contributed got a slice of the TRF share purchase, which is, of course worth [2/3 x 3/8] x [**** all/**** all] given succeeding share conversions and ither usury stuff that I have nae interest in understanding. Some 'benefits' of being a shreholder have also been withdrawn, as I understand it. Meh.

    It was a bit of a **** when some plooky youth in the club shop asked if I was a shareholder to get discount two weeks ago. I am, I said (Neil Diamond is a Red) and produced my card. He had the impidence to go and check that I was entitled to 10% discount from the merch I was purchasing. I almost went into "Listen here, laddie..." mode.

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