Right, then. Following on from Hughie's thread, who do we consider to be a club legend. Not going to go through them all -folk can put their own particular favourite in (much as i believe the board is fine, P'boro's post made me pull me finger out cos it's sometimes easy just to let others hoy up threads)

For me, it's a toss-up between Big Al and Keegan. Both were involved-at different times-in giving me some of my best ever times supporting Newcastle. I'll go for Shearer over Keegan partly because he was here for so much longer, partly because he had that 'extra' bit in front of the word 'legend', i.e. local. Not just a legend to us, though-he is internationally known and recognised as such (gets you extra points on the 'legend leaderboard', y'see. )

The (well, some) mackems like to bleat on about Arca ending his career. All Arca did was ensure that his record-defining goal and the last goal of an incredible career was scored against them.

And I was there.

Over to you...