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Thread: Cyclists in Dyce

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Cyclists in Dyce

    The paved area adjacent to the main roads in and around the area, clearly marked with a blue sign showing a picture of a bicycle, are there for a fcukin reason.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by theoninedog View Post
    The paved area adjacent to the main roads in and around the area, clearly marked with a blue sign showing a picture of a bicycle, are there for a fcukin reason.


    It was Dyce where I saw the two side by side next to the ASDA opening one in the cycle lane and one well into the not cycle lane in the road meaning cars had to avoid them by going onto the wrong side of the road. Someone should have run the c@nt over

    Dyce was also the place that I saw a cyclist cut across a van when the lights went green at what was the old Apache building junction. He got plowed and deservedly so

    Dyce is also the place where a cyclist tried to cut across me in my old works van at the Kwik Fit roundabout and hit the front of the van scratching it to f@ck earing me a c@nting. I was stationary and stuck behind a car so she was lucky as if I wasn't I would have chased her and run her down ensuring her head was under my wheel

    They are a worse nuisance than bus drivers.
    Last edited by Pacman1903; 07-11-2017 at 05:25 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by theoninedog View Post
    The paved area adjacent to the main roads in and around the area, clearly marked with a blue sign showing a picture of a bicycle, are there for a fcukin reason.

    And the Highway Code is quite clear that cyclists should use cycleways and shared paths when it is safe and convenient.

    Here you are. Every day's a school day: Rule 61

    Cycle Routes and Other Facilities. Use cycle routes, advanced stop lines, cycle boxes and toucan crossings unless at the time it is unsafe to do so. Use of these facilities is not compulsory and will depend on your experience and skills, but they can make your journey safer.
    Rule 62

    Cycle Tracks. These are normally located away from the road, but may occasionally be found alongside footpaths or pavements. Cyclists and pedestrians may be segregated or they may share the same space (unsegregated). When using segregated tracks you MUST keep to the side intended for cyclists as the pedestrian side remains a pavement or footpath. Take care when passing pedestrians, especially children, older or disabled people, and allow them plenty of room. Always be prepared to slow down and stop if necessary. Take care near road junctions as you may have difficulty seeing other road users, who might not notice you.

    Sometimes it isn't safe, of course. Bus shelters narrowing the path, bus queues with members chatting on phones, pedestrians listeneing to iPods weaving across the pavement (for that is what it is), or texting on their mobiles. Then I could mention the broken glass, gravel, uneven surfaces where the Thatcherite privatised utility companies have howked a trench and patched things up with some stuff bought off a PJM who came to the door with "a wee bit extra left over from a job down the road", frequent side roads every 200 yards, slippery fallen leaves at this time of year, often concealing objects that puncture tyres or buckle wheels.

    I also drive, having passed my test 43 years ago, pay £20 a year on VED before you start on that ****e, wear HV clothing, a helmet and have lights on the bike that could see me spotted from Stavanger on a clear evening, cretin.

    Awa and **** yersel.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Pacman1903 View Post
    It was Dyce where I saw the two side by side next to the ASDA opening one in the cycle lane and one well into the not cycle lane in the road meaning cars had to avoid them by going onto the wrong side of the road. Someone should have run the c@nt over

    Dyce was also the place that I saw a cyclist cut across a van when the lights went green at what was the old Apache building junction. He got plowed and deservedly so

    Dyce is also the place where a cyclist tried to cut across me in my old works van at the Kwik Fit roundabout and hit the front of the van scratching it to f@ck earing me a c@nting. I was stationary and stuck behind a car so she was lucky as if I wasn't I would have chased her and run her down ensuring her head was under my wheel

    They are a worse nuisance than bus drivers.
    Advocating injury on other road users, no matter their behaviour is doing you no favours min.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 57vintage View Post
    Advocating injury on other road users, no matter their behaviour is doing you no favours min.
    If they didn't do stupid sh@t I wouldn't.

    The one outside Apache was the dumbest thing I have ever seen on a road. How do you think the driver who ran him down felt? He had no chance of avoiding him because of his f@cking moronic behaviour. If you are turning left be in a safe position to f@cking do so. Don't pull try and out run a motorized vehicle and cut him off. The c@nt should have been banned from the road forever for that wee beauty

    As for the one who clipped me. F@ck me I was stationary. How hard was I to miss really? But again if you are going to turn left get yourself in a position to f@cking do so and not when you are two cars from the roundabout itself.

    Then the double dunters, they thought nothing of making road users who were doing nothing wrong pull over into the wrong side of the road creating a hazard on the road

    F@ck them all

    I don't mind cyclists if they don't act like dicks. Good on them for getting fit but the three mentioned above are c@nts
    Last edited by Pacman1903; 07-11-2017 at 11:20 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    I’ve got two problems with cyclists

    They shouldn’t be allowed on dual carriageways & they should wait their turn at lights, just like everyone else.

    Nobody over the age of 12 should really own a bike anyway

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    I'll give you it's a long time since I sat my cycling proficiency test (circa 1969/70) but obviously the rules that I learned then no longer apply.

    Where's the bobbies when you need them?

    I'm going to kill one of the b'astards that scoot around in the dark with no lights, it'll be his fault not mine.

    The whole not stopping at traffic light thing wouldn't be quite as bad if they didn't tend to have a smug holier than thou look on their faces.

    Dyce should be nuked anyway.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 57vintage View Post
    And the Highway Code is quite clear that cyclists should use cycleways and shared paths when it is safe and convenient.

    Here you are. Every day's a school day: Rule 61

    Cycle Routes and Other Facilities. Use cycle routes, advanced stop lines, cycle boxes and toucan crossings unless at the time it is unsafe to do so. Use of these facilities is not compulsory and will depend on your experience and skills, but they can make your journey safer.
    Rule 62

    Cycle Tracks. These are normally located away from the road, but may occasionally be found alongside footpaths or pavements. Cyclists and pedestrians may be segregated or they may share the same space (unsegregated). When using segregated tracks you MUST keep to the side intended for cyclists as the pedestrian side remains a pavement or footpath. Take care when passing pedestrians, especially children, older or disabled people, and allow them plenty of room. Always be prepared to slow down and stop if necessary. Take care near road junctions as you may have difficulty seeing other road users, who might not notice you.

    Sometimes it isn't safe, of course. Bus shelters narrowing the path, bus queues with members chatting on phones, pedestrians listeneing to iPods weaving across the pavement (for that is what it is), or texting on their mobiles. Then I could mention the broken glass, gravel, uneven surfaces where the Thatcherite privatised utility companies have howked a trench and patched things up with some stuff bought off a PJM who came to the door with "a wee bit extra left over from a job down the road", frequent side roads every 200 yards, slippery fallen leaves at this time of year, often concealing objects that puncture tyres or buckle wheels.

    I also drive, having passed my test 43 years ago, pay £20 a year on VED before you start on that ****e, wear HV clothing, a helmet and have lights on the bike that could see me spotted from Stavanger on a clear evening, cretin.

    Awa and **** yersel.
    Thanks for the rundown on rules and regulations of cycle lanes.

    The Cycle lanes I'm referring to are perfectly safe for cyclists to use, In fact there are several cyclists who choose to use them. It just appears to be the dickheads who dream of being in the Tour De France that opt to annoy the drivers on the roads.
    You know the type I mean, the idiots who pour themselves into lycra that's clarted in sponsors that I'm assuming find it uncool to use the cycle paths, The full kit w*nkers of the cycling world.

    I actually witnessed one this morning, deciding that he wasn't waiting on the lights to change to green and just took off anyway, The irony was he had one of thon p00fy little go-pro cameras strapped to his head !!!

    Don't get me started on cyclists risking their own life and that of motorists on the Tyrebagger (Duel carriageway)

    Self obsessed w4nks !!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Heard it.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by 57vintage View Post
    Heard it.

    That'll be 1-0 me then.....

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