Quote Originally Posted by baggieal View Post
Corbyn being nice and cosy with his terrorist chums or not deriding them, for the scumbags they are. Councils who come out with utter crap that returning jihadis should be rehoused and then they perhaps would lose all that hatred within. Then of course, those returning who fought against ISIS are grilled and treated as terrorists - why as they are heroes!

Rather have 3 Boris's than Corbyn who is a hypocrite, and lies through his teeth - yes of course Jeremy you really would clear all the student debt and uni fees! And to think the young fell for this! Don't like May but like Corbyn, she should lie through her teeth and be on the scene quicker to blubber in front of the cameras.
You really a a pathetic individual.

I challenge you to back any of the above repetitive inane cr@p with real fact-not merely what you might have read, then twisted and distorted from a cheap rag.

I await your response, more than likely containing yet another hilarious quip about having three fingers.