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Thread: O/T people on benefits

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by crashbang View Post
    There we go an answer.
    "Yes there are benefit scroungers"
    Hi Crash. What exactly is the problem you're getting at and why is it this important to you? What solutions would you like to see?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I would like my tax to go on education and health. Not my extended family who have never lifted a finger .
    If that's OK with you fair do,s.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Commendable. Would you like the idle rich to pay more on these things than they do crash? They don't need or deserve all that money do they eh?

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    If only we could choose who to pay tax’s too eh

    Police 15%
    NHS 45%
    Benefits 10%
    Fire 10%
    Armed forces 20%
    Pensioners 0% they seem to moan a lot about benefits lol

  5. #45
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Silly by name .

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by millmoormagic View Post
    Typical really, pick on those at the bottom, why not have a look at the top end and see who really is screwing you over.....stop reading the Sun/Mail and watching bull shyte tv programmes designed to influence the shallow minded.
    I hear this a lot about people at the top being the real villains. I'd be interested how you'd view these two people.

    Dave left school and had a succession of jobs before falling back on benefits. He could work, but chooses not to because he's got three kids and would only earn about £50 a week more than he gets on benefits (about £20,000 a year). He contributes nothing to the exchequer.

    Chris left school and started his own business. He now employs thirty people earning an average of £25,000 a year who all pay tax in the normal way. Chris earns £1 Million a year which he should pay about £400,000 in tax on. But through using an offshore tax structure he only pays £150,000.

    So who's screwing the rest of us over...Dave who's a net taker to the tune of £20,000 a year or Chris who pays £150,000 personally and a lot more indirectly but is using loopholes in the system? Who should we vilify....the bloke taking £20,000 a year or the one contributing £150,000 a year?
    Last edited by Lasterman; 19-11-2017 at 11:10 PM.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Firstly i'll say this, i'm all about fairness, and have no problem with folk getting on and earning a good wage, not at all, what i'd say about your post is that the system is quite obviously skewed in both ways, firstly by not having a decent living wage structure we have bred these people for years, low wages encourage this behaviour, a living wage would do two things, encourage people off benefits and into tax paying work and increase spending therefore aiding the economy.
    Secondly, the bloke who has done well for himself is still cheating the exchequer, because he's avoiding tax, whether legal or not.

    All this tax avoidance/evasion stuff means this, those taxes were put in place for a reason, and to dodge a tax, whether legal or not is quite frankly wrong.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Here'a one for me old muckers crash and lasterman. read and enjoy. (I know Im NOT ya mucker crash).

    Don't let reality get in the way of bollax eh guys?

    Another point Lasterman not many millionaires have made their money without exploiting workers by paying them crap wages and giving them poor working conditions. The word you are looking for to desctibe this process is "greed",
    Last edited by rolymiller; 20-11-2017 at 08:30 AM.

  9. #49
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    Thanks for that frog .

    The case in question was something I read yesterday on another reds forum , the lad who posted it posts on tykesmad too and has done for many years .

    He's a very credible poster so there's no reason to question the authenticity of his comments .

    I think personally the lads benefit will remain but his mother and carer will remain in work to cover the downturn in income and reduction in benefit .

    I believe the poster is the grandparent caring for the lad .

    As we know this isn't an isolated case , far from it .

    The tories narrative of divide the working class is pretty evident not only on forums like this one and ours but out there in the workplace , pub or wherever conversations such as this one take place .

    I despair frog I really do , it wouldn't hurt one or two to change places for a month with the so called benefit scroungers and see how they would go on , who wouldn't want to spend 31 consecutive days in the pub after all , apparently .
    I read last week that over 65% of the appeals were upheld.

    The main problem is the delay in between the examination and the result. At least in my sisters case it was. The mental strain of not knowing whether you're losing your rights because they've moved the goal posts is unfair.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by millmoormagic View Post
    Shocking isn't it, was the doctor from ATOS? the organisation tasked by the gov't to get people off benefits....call me cynical but it stinks to high heaven.
    Yes he was but the point that there had their own internal examiners of the reports gives you some hope that these doctors themselves are making the decisions.

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