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Thread: O/T Nights Out Back In The Day

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Young uns nowadays “Prink” (Pre Drinking) before they go out Animal....then they hit the clubs at midnight and stay out till 4 in the morning!
    It’s become the “thing to do” because they can’t afford to stay out from 7 till 4.
    I told my kids about *****cats and Frontier and they just say it sounds lame!!! No I retort, lame is sat at at home for 4 or 5 hours getting pissed before going out.
    Can you imagine kids nowadays lining up behind each other and thrusting away to “we’re having a gang bang”or sitting on the floor rocking from side to side to “oops up side your head”
    God I miss those days but the memories I have are priceless.
    Got to say though i’m 52 now and went round town on Saturday night after the Sunderland game with my son and mate and had a fantastic night out, I’ve forgot the name of it but we hit a soul club opposite tarn hall and had a really good time in there, and there was loads of people out that night!

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by perkytyke View Post
    Young uns nowadays “Prink” (Pre Drinking) before they go out Animal....then they hit the clubs at midnight and stay out till 4 in the morning!
    It’s become the “thing to do” because they can’t afford to stay out from 7 till 4.
    I told my kids about *****cats and Frontier and they just say it sounds lame!!! No I retort, lame is sat at at home for 4 or 5 hours getting pissed before going out.
    Can you imagine kids nowadays lining up behind each other and thrusting away to “we’re having a gang bang”or sitting on the floor rocking from side to side to “oops up side your head”
    God I miss those days but the memories I have are priceless.
    Got to say though i’m 52 now and went round town on Saturday night after the Sunderland game with my son and mate and had a fantastic night out, I’ve forgot the name of it but we hit a soul club opposite tarn hall and had a really good time in there, and there was loads of people out that night!

    Here you go perky , " oops upside your head "

    Crackers looking back but fun .


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by animallittle3 View Post
    Because nights out back in the night doesn't quite work Jonny .
    Quote Originally Posted by Jonnyboy501 View Post
    How do you have a night out in the day?

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by DOOALI View Post
    First club on pit st was Buff club for the order of buffalo who ever they were across road from"tin school" Exile that might be it

    Just remembered, it was No 36

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Yes Exile, those nice men at number 36 Pitt Street were trying to work out how to reverse the trend of a 191% increase in public sector net debt left by those nice men in red rosettes who were busy out spending everyone's hard earned.

    Knew what you were alluding to but didn't want to "ruin another good thread" but as you persist.........

    Let it lie our kid, you'll always struggle with ideological argument when a none socialist refers you to the facts !!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by pass_and_move View Post
    Never really enjoyed nights out. Loud, crowded bustle weer tha couldn't get to bar or hear what folk wo sayin and drank overpriced shyte. Just did it cos it's what tha did as a young adult or led to believe tha should do. Twas the 11th commandment- thou shalt get shyte faced wi thi mates on Friday neets if tha frum tarn. Bit narrow minded that for me.

    Much preferred a neet art with missus. We'd do Wusbro- Edmunds, Red lion, Wharf n Ship in us cooertin days. Sometimes Greasbro n all cos shes frum theer. That was a decent pub crawl 20 years agu. Milton, Greasbro WMC, yellow lion, Ship, Crown. All them pubs are still theer n all.

    Rarely ventured into tarn simply cos of the reasons above. Liked tarn on an afternoon though.
    Pass that's what me and Laura like to do now

  7. #27
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by red flagged View Post
    Yes Exile, those nice men at number 36 Pitt Street were trying to work out how to reverse the trend of a 191% increase in public sector net debt left by those nice men in red rosettes who were busy out spending everyone's hard earned.

    Knew what you were alluding to but didn't want to "ruin another good thread" but as you persist.........

    Let it lie our kid, you'll always struggle with ideological argument when a none socialist refers you to the facts !!

    I did say it was the 60's in case you hadn't noticed but I will let it lie

  8. #28
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by red flagged View Post
    Yes Exile, those nice men at number 36 Pitt Street were trying to work out how to reverse the trend of a 191% increase in public sector net debt left by those nice men in red rosettes who were busy out spending everyone's hard earned.

    Knew what you were alluding to but didn't want to "ruin another good thread" but as you persist.........

    Let it lie our kid, you'll always struggle with ideological argument when a none socialist refers you to the facts !!
    Why don't you change your user name to Blue Flagged, much more appropriate.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Politics doesn't have much to do with this thread, but I can't help thinking that Blair's vision for a European drinking culture has failed miserably. They should never have mucked about with the licencing laws. When pubs shut at 11pm the places were heaving. I know there's more to it than that, supermarket prices and so on, but for me that was when everything changed.

    As a young bloke I had some great nights out with my mates, sometimes just doing the locals, sometimes off into town. Out most nights, rain or shine, sometimes catching the last bus back and having last orders in the local, other times walking back to Worsbro and stopping off at chipshop on way home. Now and again we'd go on to a nightclub, but even they shut at 2am.

    All that seems to have disappeared now. I feel sorry for these young uns nowadays, I know the world's moved on, but I really think something special's been lost.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    I'm a fast drinker and hate queuing for a beer. That's why I don't go out so much these days. I could quite easily sink 8 pints before the match tonight if I could get to the bar quick enough.

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