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Thread: Leeds - Friends in High Places ...... No 'cos We Got the Rad !

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MrsORichSenior View Post
    Jez - I'll help any supporter(s)/organisation(s) who require help through http://www.fanseurope.org/en/ an UEFA backed initiative.
    Whether that be via liaison or language translation to/for third parties.
    For your 'probing' point about which/any Organisation I may have/had a remit for/from then .............. Under Law there are certain circumstances in which a 'duty of confidentiality' exists. This duty of confidentiality refers to the idea that by law, information shared between clients is expected to be respected and not shared amongst outside parties without the consent of the client.

    Your constructive views expressed have been noted and as a Leeds fan I enjoy reading all your opinions but as a Leeds fan I don't always agree with some of your opinions as likewise you disagree with mine but if my private opinion is asked for by a private third party or private organisation then that opinion of mine will be given.
    Every football club in Europe has an email contact officer who can forward fan concerns and sadly few fans use that channel so for effective communication individuals/organisations often use other avenues for considered opinion and as I'm multi linguistic I appear to have a purpose for such matters that may arise.
    Okay Jez.
    And I get accused of being "wordy" 😉

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by MrsORichSenior View Post
    Jez - I'll help any supporter(s)/organisation(s) who require help through http://www.fanseurope.org/en/ an UEFA backed initiative.
    Whether that be via liaison or language translation to/for third parties.
    For your 'probing' point about which/any Organisation I may have/had a remit for/from then .............. Under Law there are certain circumstances in which a 'duty of confidentiality' exists. This duty of confidentiality refers to the idea that by law, information shared between clients is expected to be respected and not shared amongst outside parties without the consent of the client.

    Your constructive views expressed have been noted and as a Leeds fan I enjoy reading all your opinions but as a Leeds fan I don't always agree with some of your opinions as likewise you disagree with mine but if my private opinion is asked for by a private third party or private organisation then that opinion of mine will be given.
    Every football club in Europe has an email contact officer who can forward fan concerns and sadly few fans use that channel so for effective communication individuals/organisations often use other avenues for considered opinion and as I'm multi linguistic I appear to have a purpose for such matters that may arise.
    Okay Jez.
    Trying to read between the lines to establish what you mean, are you saying you are or have been employed or instructed by an organisation to work between fans and the football establishment? The words 'client' 'law' and 'consent' appear to suggest some kind of contracted work you are doing? Sounds very interesting.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Yeah - 'bout right your interpretation Jez.
    Football attracts all kinds of information requests from non league to pro level and portfolio build ups are required to suit demand.

    Got more time on my hands so I can fit alot into schedule slots and location wise I'm ideally placed by train .........
    Just kind of happened by following Leeds around and getting contacts via the 'travelling' - as I always tell folks opportunities are there but you gotta make 'em happen so any door open I'll always have a look inside,just so happened that the UK was not the place for me to do it the way I wanted to do it anymore.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2014
    Ramblings by me of notes,transcripts,club politics I've read to translate this week that may be of interest for those with grey matter to muse over during the break ..........

    After a week of robust discussion on the Forum and armed with various disclosures from my Balkans translations I recalled my visit to the National Football Museum in Manchester and remembered the Badges of yesterday years and various old pictures on display also the middle aged blokes wearing replica club shirts mooching around reminiscing their past days,Sadly not to many folks under 25 years old in there encompassing the past.

    Some pictures on the walls of artist Lowry show a happy procession of featureless ‘matchstick men’ flocking to the game having just knocked off from the Saturday morning shift in one of the factories whose chimney stacks smoke away in the background.The club ground in his pictures is rooted in the locality of the community where players and supporters inhabited the same lifeworld and same social class, perhaps sharing a pint or two in the pubs later.

    Lowry paints a scene of a somber stadium of which the seeds later escalated into the colossal football industry of today (Bolton’s old Burnden Park depicted in the painting)would eventually be replaced by an out-of-town stadium named after the Reebok sportswear manufacturer, with the communal experience of walking to the game replaced by the modern bus/train or car journey that is the footballing ecosystem mode today - totally 'unrecognisable' to Lowry’s world................

    Helping my understandings of the way of grasping postmodern TV-age football was helped by a letter a colleague gave me to read pointing a finger to the French Marxist provocateur Guy Debord’s writing of The Society of the Spectacle (published fifty years ago).He stated "Everything that was directly lived has moved away into representation”. The spectacle Debord tells us, is “the social organisation of appearances”, adding that it is “not a collection of images but a social relation among people mediated by images.” The spectacle insinuates itself in all our actions and interactions, our interior lives, our intimate dreams. We now walk down the street checking our reflection in car windows, continually scanning the world for pretexts for a social media update via our handy devices. Contrived naturalness is the reality of today as we follow and absorb the image presented to us by vast marketing and personal media 24/7.

    Supporters’ have given way to ‘the market’ – in fact supporters are part of what clubs sell to the market. The idea of such devotion, the sound of the ground as kick off approaches, the images of a jubilant crowd (which in real-time is now being asked/forced to sit down) is all packaged up with the game and dispatched around the world globe to folks who might never get within 100 miles of a stadium.Clubs constantly 'mine' their own traditions as the means to extend the brand globally, all the while using everything from in house TV stations to Twitter to soft soap the less feel good aspects of their financial operations.

    Working for fan groups it's known that Liverpool’s fans are a militant vocal crowd ((passionate too) not only through the extraordinary Hillsborough campaigning but also the Spirit of Shankly group (formed in opposition to Hicks and Gillett ownership) whose ultimate aim was/is fan ownership of their club. To that end they embody the political vision of the man whom they were named who famously said “The socialism I believe in is everybody working for the same goal and everybody having a share in the rewards. That’s how I see football, that’s how I see life.”

    Well - we as a club this week showed the world similar philosophy that Leeds United are now in fact UNITED,as for having a share - well that remains to be seen,but it's a start and something to build on and as for all the negative stuff/moaning posted some of us actually do stand up to be counted and communicate concerns weekly direct to football clubs owners and will continue to do so.For some the opportunity to vote on our Badge would have been satisfying but I bet not too many will take up the call to continue to voice concerns direct consistently over matters that also require change,hey ho ............ but thank heavens some do and for those like my mate Moscowhite of The Square Ball Mag & Pod casts here's hoping that his sales and views will long continue.


  5. #25
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    Nov 2011
    L.S Lowry's "going to the match", a special piece for anyone interested in the origins of sport, especially football and its special relationship with "the working class". I have a print myself, love his work.
    Most of which you speak of is long dead and buried, belongs to a byegone era and will never return such as socialism, Liverpool, factories and even walking! All obsolete. The last nail in the old world that you speak of was the mobile phone, for me, possibly the worst thing thats happened to the human race in the last 100 years (never use one myself) closely followed by Facebook and all other forms of "social medja"

    "Everything that was directly lived has moved away into representation” - quite liked this, and it follows from what i wrote above, people dont walk to the game and "share a pint or two in the pubs later" they have virtual relationships with people theyve never met on Facebook instead.
    Irreversable IMO, and not much to be gained by having studies into it either, the dumbing down of our schools will only produce more generations of the same, take it to its natural conclusión and thoughtcrime wont be a problem because noone can be bothered to have one anymore.
    Regarding "crestgate" i dont think it marks us out as being anymore or less together than any other club, WTF11´s mindnumbingly boring diatribes bear witness to this, it was just a barely transparent marketing ploy to sell our "Brand". As for complaining about anything that really matters, its not going to happen, not when they can do it on here from the comfort of their armchairs.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by BenidormBlanco View Post
    L.S Lowry's "going to the match", a special piece for anyone interested in the origins of sport, especially football and its special relationship with "the working class". I have a print myself, love his work.
    Most of which you speak of is long dead and buried, belongs to a byegone era and will never return such as socialism, Liverpool, factories and even walking! All obsolete. The last nail in the old world that you speak of was the mobile phone, for me, possibly the worst thing thats happened to the human race in the last 100 years (never use one myself) closely followed by Facebook and all other forms of "social medja"

    "Everything that was directly lived has moved away into representation” - quite liked this, and it follows from what i wrote above, people dont walk to the game and "share a pint or two in the pubs later" they have virtual relationships with people theyve never met on Facebook instead.
    Irreversable IMO, and not much to be gained by having studies into it either, the dumbing down of our schools will only produce more generations of the same, take it to its natural conclusión and thoughtcrime wont be a problem because noone can be bothered to have one anymore.
    Regarding "crestgate" i dont think it marks us out as being anymore or less together than any other club, WTF11´s mindnumbingly boring diatribes bear witness to this, it was just a barely transparent marketing ploy to sell our "Brand". As for complaining about anything that really matters, its not going to happen, not when they can do it on here from the comfort of their armchairs.
    Agree with much of what you say - although the irony of us saying it on here doesn't escape me!

    Part of the 'issue' is that 30 years ago, we would have met at school/work, gone to the pub, discussed football there.

    Now you live in Spain, I live in Leicester, some live in Leeds still. Some even have to live in Eastleigh.

    Having lived in various places around the world, I still think Leeds is a bit special as regard its pull/connection/loyalty for those born and bred there - other people are usually pretty startled at how passionate we are about our city and by extension our club. Liverpool would probably be the only other place where people i've met have matched us. It's partly siege mentality, partly massive pride.

    As a city we have a huge amount to be proud of. I tell people how when i was at primary school in Leeds we were taught (regularly) about great Leeds/Yorkshire achievements and people. It was drummed into us how special the county's achievements are in context of the wider country. In Leicester until 2 years ago they were self-loathing about where they are from - then they got a king they nicked from us and won the league once and now there's some civic pride.

    I hear in Burnley they were forced to listen to Springs**** every day in school - to teach them the value of escaping as fast as they could across the 'county line'.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Jezleeds View Post
    Agree with much of what you say - although the irony of us saying it on here doesn't escape me!

    Part of the 'issue' is that 30 years ago, we would have met at school/work, gone to the pub, discussed football there.

    Now you live in Spain, I live in Leicester, some live in Leeds still. Some even have to live in Eastleigh.

    Having lived in various places around the world, I still think Leeds is a bit special as regard its pull/connection/loyalty for those born and bred there - other people are usually pretty startled at how passionate we are about our city and by extension our club. Liverpool would probably be the only other place where people i've met have matched us. It's partly siege mentality, partly massive pride.

    As a city we have a huge amount to be proud of. I tell people how when i was at primary school in Leeds we were taught (regularly) about great Leeds/Yorkshire achievements and people. It was drummed into us how special the county's achievements are in context of the wider country. In Leicester until 2 years ago they were self-loathing about where they are from - then they got a king they nicked from us and won the league once and now there's some civic pride.

    I hear in Burnley they were forced to listen to Springs**** every day in school - to teach them the value of escaping as fast as they could across the 'county line'.
    Lol Bumley.
    Dunno about the mobile phones. I know that years ago you could dissappear in the morning and never be heard of until the evening, but now you can be contacted and tracked the whole day. They'ye definatly made time go quicker, but how many of us could do without them. Most people store their life's info on them.
    Now as for social media, it should be burned and damned to hell. But then again, what are we doing on here?

  8. #28
    Quote Originally Posted by WTF11 View Post
    why do you play the man and not the ball - to use football parlance - in response to explanations and genuinely held views you make snide comments if they come from certain people. You often make very good points or express a counterpoint to others which is good but then often just attack the poster - if you increased the former and decreased the latter sure things would be more harmonious.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by hopelesslyoptimistic View Post
    why do you play the man and not the ball - to use football parlance - in response to explanations and genuinely held views you make snide comments if they come from certain people. You often make very good points or express a counterpoint to others which is good but then often just attack the poster - if you increased the former and decreased the latter sure things would be more harmonious.
    Not sure I care about harmony, and as for "snide comments" please refer to the post above from BB who (along with a few others), seems incapable of responding to any of my posts without such, but hey ho, water/ducks back.

    As for the "zzzzzzz" comment, I meant it quite sincerely. I know Mrs O has the respect of many who post here, and some of her posts are genuinely interesting. However it's the sheer length and breadth of what is posted (and I get accused of being "wordy"!), coupled with her own contribution to the "snide comment" volume that prompted my comment.

    As an example, all the stuff about the Balkans and other Eastern European parts in the Branding thread, I mean, WTF?

    Anyway, with due respect and acknowledging what you say, I think I'll carry on regardless and see how things pan out.

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by WTF11 View Post
    Not sure I care about harmony, and as for "snide comments" please refer to the post above from BB who (along with a few others), seems incapable of responding to any of my posts without such, but hey ho, water/ducks back.

    As for the "zzzzzzz" comment, I meant it quite sincerely. I know Mrs O has the respect of many who post here, and some of her posts are genuinely interesting. However it's the sheer length and breadth of what is posted (and I get accused of being "wordy"!), coupled with her own contribution to the "snide comment" volume that prompted my comment.

    As an example, all the stuff about the Balkans and other Eastern European parts in the Branding thread, I mean, WTF?

    Anyway, with due respect and acknowledging what you say, I think I'll carry on regardless and see how things pan out.
    fair enough mate but just wanted to say a lot of what you post makes sense but then the Bobby Collins comes out a little and might distract from that - I guess it’s the frustration that appears from time to time and we all have from being infected with the curse of following Leeds

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